Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 4)

Start from the beginning

"Now Carlie... It's not that we don't trust you, but for your safety and for the safety of the doctor we are required to restrain you."

Carlie didn't say anything, she just rolled her eyes when no one was looking. She planned on doing what Bray suggested and not tell the therapist anything. Carlie was left in the room for a few minutes until the therapist came in. Even though Carlie felt like speaking her mind and saying what she thought about all of this, she wanted to do what Bray said. The therapist came in with a smile on his face.

"Hello Carlie, I know you may have mixed feelings about being here, but I am here to help you. Do you know why you're here?"

Carlie didn't say anything, she just shrugged her shoulders, but had an answer in her head.

"Because my parents deserted me. They think they're perfect and that the rest of the world is out to get them."

The therapist continued.

"Ok... Well surely you're feeling something about being here. Would you care to share what you're feeling?"

"Well how would you feel if your parents called you crazy and left you somewhere alone. How do you think I'm feeling? I'm pissed off! My parents fucking deserted me. Why am I the one that needs help? Why am I the crazy one? It's all about how you interpret things. If the roles were reversed, they would be the ones here, not me. Plus I was told there would be tests run on me. I feel like some kind of caged animal. I'm pissed off and scared at the same time. I want out of here!"

The therapist was getting slightly annoyed now because Carlie wasn't saying anything. Carlie kept her thoughts to herself and she could tell this was beginning to frustrate the therapist. The therapist was writing things down on paper, and he didn't catch the smirk she had on her face. When he looked back at her he only saw a blank expression. He wondered if she had any brain activity going and thought that maybe Carlie had zoned out. He went over to her, waved his hand in front of her face to try to get her attention.

"Carlie... Are you with me?"

Carlie looked at him and didn't say anything.

"Ok... Maybe you're a little shy right now. Maybe you will talk tomorrow. We'll run a few tests on you, and then return you to your room."

Two men came into the room, unstrapped her, and walked her out of the room. She noticed a sign that pointed right. She saw the right arrow and it said exit.

"If I can get away from these guys, maybe I can make a run for it and get out of here. I won't go down without a fight."

"Um... Excuse me... Could I please go to the bathroom first?"

The men that were walking with her weren't easily fooled because other patients had tried to kill time by saying they needed to go to the bathroom when they really didn't need to go. They walked past the bathroom, luckily they didn't have a tight grip on her hands. They weren't prepared for what would happen next. Carlie pulled one of her hands free, turned around and punched one of the guys in the face as hard as she could. The other guy jumped and was surprised at this and let go. Carlie then started running. She followed the sign and made a right turn. The guy that wasn't holding his face pressed a button and the lights started flashing and an alarm started going off.

"Attention... Patient 324 is on the run, showing signs of violence and aggression! Block all the exits immediately!"

Carlie had turned down the hallway. She was running as fast as she could in hopes of getting away. She had turned down the last hallway and saw the exit sign. Just before she got to the exit, she didn't expect for two other guards to come out of nowhere and grab her. These guys were bigger and stronger than the others and had a tight grip on her.

"No! Let me go!"

She was kicking her legs, screaming and tried hitting these guys, but they held her hands still. One of the men held her still, rolled up her sleeve and they had a needle. They inserted the needle into her arm and gave her a shot. It worked like a tranquilizer dart for an animal and soon she stopped kicking and screaming. She then passed out and they took her to a room for testing. They had to act quick before she woke up. They monitored her brain activity for about an hour, but couldn't find anything unusual. She woke up to a painful shock and cried out. The therapist then spoke to her now that she was awake.

"Now Carlie... Why did you have to go and try to escape? Did you really have to punch a guy in the face? There is so much violence and aggression inside of you. That little shock you felt was punishment for your behavior."

Carlie forgot about not talking and then started shouting out exactly what she thought.

"This is torture! This is the kind of thing that happens to prisoners with the death penalty. I'm not a criminal! What no one understands is that I'm being held here against my will. You think that you're better than everyone else and you treat us like animals! You can't do this! We are not some ind of lab rats that you can do you experiments on!"

Carlie was interrupted again and cried out when she felt the shock intensify.

"You've got it all wrong! This is shock therapy, it is meant to help you, but also to punish you. It seems like you have a long way to go. We have had other patients like you, but this is one of the worst cases of violence and aggression I've ever seen. We'll have to study you more in the next few days. In the meantime, we will return you to your room."

Carlie was caught off guard when she felt a needle in her arm again. She passed out and the guards returned her to her room. They were told to strap her down until they came to get her the next day. When Carlie woke up again, she couldn't move, she realized that she was back in her room but she was scared because she couldn't move. She actually started crying and screaming.

"Please let me out of here! Someone help me!"

It wasn't long after Carlie left that Bray decided that he wanted to help her. Something about Carlie reminded Bray of Abigail. Abigail had always watched over Bray, Carlie had mentioned something about having dreams about him and The Wyatt Family before they even came to WWE. How could you have a dream about someone you've never met? Bray felt a connection with her ever since he heard her in the crowd. He had promised her that they would see each other again. Bray paid close attention to the things her mom was saying to her. It was about three hours away from where they currently were, but Bray heard her mom say something about taking Carlie to a therapist in Dallas. So he and the rest of The Wyatt Family left the arena as soon as they could and started making their way to Dallas. Everything that had happened to Carlie happened overnight. Bray has showed up to the building in Dallas, there was only one mental hospital in Dallas, but realized that visitors weren't allowed until eight in the morning. They would come see her as soon as they opened. Carlie has grown tired of screaming and crying and eventually fell asleep. What happened next she thought was a dream, but was actually something she remembered. It was then that she realized that she was really someone else because she saw the car accident from when she was six. The little girl had actually died and then she realized that she was a different person because something else flashed in her mind. The reason why she was always called Abigail in her dreams and why she saw Bray and the others was because she was Abigail, just in a different body. Bray was her brother. Ironically the shock therapy had helped her realize who she really was. Then she remembered... The last thing she remembered was being raped, and she screamed before her boyfriend killed her. She jumped awake as she heard a knock on the door. She then realized that at some point, someone had taken the restraints off of her.

"Carlie... We hope that you are feeling better today... We hope you are in a better mood and will cooperate with us today. You have visitors here to see you."

She was surprised at this, she thought that her parents would come back until they thought she was normal by their standards. A smile formed on her face and what surprised her more was that it wasn't her parents that had come to visit.


(To be continued. I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading. Review.)

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