Finding Kamiya Hiroshi

Start from the beginning

"Sure, I will. Thank you very much"

"No problem. But still, you look so tired and exhausted. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, actually" I looked at Onosaka-san and the others and chuckled "I think someone is playing prank on me. Saying that Hiroshi-san is here"

"Kamiya-kun is here" Nozawa-san answered "I saw him this afternoon. He was sort of anxious" she answered, then we noticed the people around us become quite noisy and it seemed like they wanted Nozawa-san to say no more "Ah" she chuckled and patted my head "You'll surely see him later on. Well then, I'll be going. Kamiya-kun will show up eventually"

"If you are looking for Kamiya-kun, he's on the rooftop. I saw him there a while ago" Morita-san suddenly showed up and answered. The others immediately stopped him and he seemed so lost.

"Thank you Nozawa-san, Morita-san. Well then, I'll be on my way"

"Ah, w-wait, (L/N)-san" Ryou-san grabbed my hand and smiled "Stay here for a while"

"If you give me proper explanation, then I will. I need to see the root of my exhaustion. I've been running around AONI Production for almost an hour." I smiled bitterly. But I sighed and really showed them how tired I was

"20 more minutes" they all pleaded with smiling face and I smiled back "Please? Kamiya-san really pleaded us to keep you busy"

"Keep me busy by going around" I sighed and then sat down "Okay, I will stay here for 20 more minutes"

And those 20 minutes, they were all entertaining me. I found it really weird, I didn't know what preparation he was doing. Since, we are talking about Kamiya Hiroshi here. Unexpected things might happen. Also, he surely wanted to make it perfect, since he is quite a perfectionist

"So I'll be heading to the rooftop now" I stood up but Onosaka-san let me sit again. I looked at him confusedly then Ryou-san suddenly got her make-up out "W-wait, R-Ryou-san?!"

"Stay still" she said putting make-up on me.

Another 10 minutes had passed and they were still trying to let met stay

"Thank you very much for keeping me busy. I will now go to the rooftop" I bowed down to them and headed to the rooftop.

As I opened the door to the rooftop, Hiroshi-san was there, he was busy going here and there.

"Ah, wait, Kamiya-san, don't put it there. You should put it here"

"Kamiya-san, 10 more minutes?"

"Yeah, probably 15. I don't know how this thing works"

I folded my arms, leaned on the door as I watched Hiroshi-san and two more staffs anxiously moving around the rooftop. I roamed my eyes around and I felt so moved from the effort he was doing. The rooftop was covered with purple and red lantern, his color preference. There was a big projector and a sofa. I told him before that I wanted to do what I saw online, to watch a movie on a rooftop with lanterns and candles around. I was just joking, since I thought it was impossible to do. I never thought that he would make an effort for this.

"I don't know how this projector works. It won't connect" one of the staff said. "The one who knows how to do it is not yet here" the three of them gathered around the projector and they were trying to connect it, but seemed the projector couldn't read the laptop

I chuckled and silently walked towards them "Probably because you need a VGA converter? You should get a projector that has an HDMI connector, or a laptop that has a VGA, or get a VGA converter" I commented as I saw what the problem was

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