on the road again

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Emily's pov

I woke up to someone lightly shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes and checked the alarm clock 4:00am?? What?

I adjusted my eyes and there stood Stormie "sorry honey we have to go on tour so you need to get up, could you please wake Ross?" She asked kindly as I nodded and she left.

I quickly shook Ross and have him a kiss which didn't wake him up. I ran to the bathroom and once again threw up. Ross came and whispered soothing things in my ear whilst rubbing my back.

He's been a big help everyday since he found out by getting up every morning and rubbing my back. I stood up and brushed my teeth and then gave him a kiss.

Ross also helped me pack my bag the other day which I didn't really need help but he insisted anyway. He went to his room to grab clothes and came back.

We both unchanged and I got into dark grey sweatpants and a black sweatshirt along with my patterned slippers.

Ross wore light grey sweatpants and a black stussy sweatshirt along with plain black slippers. Typical airplane clothes apparently.

Ross sat me down and grabbed a hair tie as he tied my hair back into a messy bun which actually didn't look bad. I turned around and smiled at him.

"Babe please stop you make me feel like I can't do anything" I whined as he smiled and replied "bub I'm helping you, you need to rest" he replied as I sighed and kissed him.

We got into the big can that had the seats that fave eachother. I sat next to Ross, Alexa and Rocky with Rydel, and Ellington and Ryland across from us and mark and Stormie in the front. Riker and Savannah took their own car to have alone time together and Alexa came so she can also leave with Savannah to "comfort" her.

"Alright guys so Emily is coming on tour with us now and that means that she's not coming to visit half way through like we planned with Savannah so instead we will send Savannah and suprise Riker" Rydel let out as we all high fived and nodded. Why are we talking at 4:45 in the morning?

We kept driving until we reach the airport and Ross had fallen asleep as I slowly shook him awake. Riker and Savannah arrived too.

We have to check in soon maybe about 15 minutes and we all said our goodbyes and Savannah was crying.

Once we walked away we took one last glance before leaving. I had a little baby bump but I attempted to hide it with my baggy sweatshirt.

Ross's pov

We had just finished checking in and we all waited for our plane to start boarding while we went to Starbucks.

"Ross I want coffee" Emily whined "babe you know it bad for the baby, cmon I'll order you a hot chocolate?" I asked as her eyes lit up and she nodded.

After we had finished our drink we put our rubbish in the bin and then the plane was called to start boarding.

We all slowly made our way through the line and onto the plane. Ellington and Rydel were together, Rocky and Riker, mom and dad, Emily and I and Ryland was next to mom in the three seated row.

We sat down and waited about half an hour until the plane was getting ready to take off. Emily buckled her seat belt and squeezed my hand.

We soon took of and we're in the air as I suggested Emily and I watched a movie. She thought for a second and chose 'Pearl Harbor' as I smiled at her.

We plugged in our headphone and watched the movie while she lyed on my shoulder. It was the part where Denny and Rafe were leaving to go to Japan to bomb them when she stood up and ran to the bathroom.

I followed her and she threw up. About 2 minutes later we walked back out and continued the movie in the same position.

We would be in Europe in about 9 hours considering we've been on here for three hours. It was the end of the movie and Emily was crying because Denny just died after he found out he was going to be a dad.

We both fell asleep with the occasional jolting awake that I always get on a flight. We landed in Europe at 5:33pm but 9:33am European time.

We all got off the plane and went to baggage collection. We got the luggage and started to head into our ride.

There it was. Our amazing tour bus. We all slowly and carefully walked in with our bags and I put mine and Emily's on our bunk.

Emily and I got one of the bigger bunks considering we had to share one. I left my phone in the kitchen so I picked up Emily's to check the time.

Her lock screen was the photo of me putting the necklace on her on the night of the fundraiser and I smiled at the lock screen. We all decided to take a nap before heading to the venue for tonight.

It sucks we have to play a show when we just got here but we had a long tour ahead of us. Soon we all just fell asleep. We all woke up to dad clashing pans together and realised we slept for almost four hours as we all stumbled up.

This was the first time Emily has woken up without throwing up so that was good. We looked out the window and were at our first venue and there were heaps of fans there.

I just wore jeans and a white button up while Emily wore jeans and a black tank top. Only you could see a little bit of her bump.

Mom stood at the front starting to fall out our orders to walk off. "Ross, Riker and Rocky, Ryland, Mark, me and Emily, Rydel and Ellington" she said as we all stood in lines.

"Be careful" I whispered to Emily and kissed her as she nodded. Riker, Rocky and I walked out as fans screamed.

Then the second group and finally the third group. As soon as the third group was out I heard one girl say something 'oh that's why she's still dating him, because he got her pregnant' which earned a glare from Riker, rocky and I.

We all eventually made it into the venue and into our dressing rooms. Ryland shared one with the open act 'Little Sea' whilst the band and Emily had one.

There was an extra room for Rydel to change though. I looked at the band and smiled "what do we do if someone asks if she is pregnant at the Q&A?" I asked nervously as they all thought.

"You have to tell them because they will find out sooner or later plus that one girl" Riker said anxiously "what happened?" Emily said curiously and I glared a Riker.

"Oh one girl called out to Ross if you were pregnant but we just ignored" Riker said as Emily nodded. We went out for our Q&A about 10 minutes later and Emily and Ryland came out too.

Ell picked a little girl who looked maybe 3 in the 1st row. "Umm how close are all of you?" She asked with her tiny voice as I smiled.

"we are all extremely close, we tell eachother everything and barely even fight" Rydel said honestly as the fans cheered.

It was about the fourth question when that one we were hoping not to get asked got asked. I mean we couldn't lie.

"Is that girl pregnant?" The 15 year old asked and Emily looked away "uhm yeh" I nervously said as the fans 'awed' the same girl looked at her with a disgusted look "slut" she yelled as Emily glared at her.

Emily was about to jump off the stage and start attacking her when I grabbed her "shh it's alright relax, your fine, she's just a bitch" I said moving my mic away.  Pregnancy hormones.

Emily nodded and gave a fake smile at the girl who was getting called names by fans as I smirked. That night after the show we all talked about how funny Emily's face was and how angry she looked.


And there you have it.... The fans know now. Yah hope you liked this.


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