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I was at the airport with Hannah, we were saying goodbye to our parents, my dad had already set up out apartment for us, he had flown over there a couple of weeks ago to move all our things in and set up both of our rooms which I was so thankful for, I know he was sad I was moving so far away but he knew this is what I wanted.

I hugged my little sister tight, she was only 13, she was balling her eyes out, "do you have to leave Chloe?" she asked sobbing.

"I will be back before you know it Rosie, and I will try and fly you out too, and we will talk as much as we can I promise," I said before pulling out of the hug and walking over to Carter, he was also 13, him and Rosie were twins.

"Im going to miss you as well yo uknow," I said laughing, he just laughed with me.

|I guess I will miss you too Chloe," he was laughing but I knew he was trying to hold back tears. I just pulled him into a hug, he hugged me back twice as tight. I then walked over to Ryan, he was my youngest brother, he was only 6, I bent down to his height and messed up his hair.

"Hey little buddy," he just wrapped his small arms around me.

"Love you Chlo" he mumbled into my neck.

"I love you too Ry," I hugged all my siblings one last time before saying goodbye to my parents, saying bye to everyone was really making me think if it was worth moving across the world, but I needed to so this for me.

Once we all said our goodbyes Hannah and I made out way onto the plane. once I sat in my seat I couldnt help but burst into tears, Hannah was crying too, I pulled out my phone as people were still boarding the plane and opened instagram posting a selfie of me and Zack.

En route to LA, going to miss this munch a lot! I will see you soon Zack, try not to cry to much aye ;) love you and eveyone else!! See you soon Cali.

I posted the photo with the caption before sharing it to twitter too, straight away it was flooded with likes and comments, one in particular caught my eye, Zack.

ZackMartin: @ChloeJones psshh me cry? puh-lease im a real man! Okay maybe im crying a little, I love you my little munch, come back to me soon yeah? Have a great time in Cali, but not too much! And remember... tell me how the surf is! Love you babe!

I couldnt help but smile at his comment, I was going to reply but we were about to take of so I turned my phone off and looked at Hannah, she was doing the same but was crying even more, im guessing she was just talking to her boyfriend of 4 years, Taylor.


We stumbled into the apartment and I fell onthe the sofa, I was so tired, it was only 2.30pm here in LA but that was the longest flight ever! I just wanted to sleep right now, I feel like I could sleep for a year. I saw Hannah make her way to her room, I guess she had the same idea as me. I grabbed my suitcase and made my way into my room, I didnt even take in what it looked like, I was too tired I stripped out of my clothes down to my underwear and jumped on the bed, I fell asleep right away.

I woke up to music being played somewhere, I groaned and grabbed my phone seeing it was 8.00pm, great now im wide away! I sighed and sat up, it was dark on ,y room and the apartment seemed quiet minus the guitars I heard being played.

I stood up and walked over to my closer to see my dad had unpacked a lot of my clothes, I pulled on some pajama shorts and a tank top, I walked out of my room and into the dark kitchen, I flicked the light on and made myself a sanwhich, I wasnt really that hungry but I knew I needed to eat something. Once my sandwich was made I walked into the living room and slid the doors open and stepped out onto the balcony, the cool California air hitting my skin.

I sat down on the chair and started to eat my sandwich, I had an amazing view of the city and it was so beautiful at night! "You must be the new neighbour." I jumped and looked to my left seeing one of the most attractive guys I had ever seen standing there. He had the most gorgeous hazel eyes, his brown hair was placed under a snapback that was placed backwards, a smile that was to die for and to top it off he was shirtless holding a guitar!

"Erm yeah, I guess I am," I said laughing slightly.

"Your not from around here... where are you from?" he asled, he had a smirk on his face.

"Australia," I said smiling thinking of back home.

"Thats so cool! Im Wes by the way," he said with a smile.

"Chloe," he grinned even more making me smile, you couldnt help but smile around him.

"I have a song called chloe" I looked at him confused, "I guess we havent quite made it in Australia yet, im in a band called Emblem3, we came 4th on the x factor last year and have just come back from tour.

"Oh thats pretty cool," he nodded.

"So what do you do?" how do I explain to someone what my job is? Every time I tell someone that im a Youtuber and Vlogger they all give me weird looks, I guess thats because its still quite a new thing to do.

"Erm im a Youtuber," he just nodded and stared at me

"Thats cool, I know a couple of guys that so that, my band and I used to upload videos to Youtube... although we never got paid for it," we both laughed and I eased up a bit.

"What can I sat, im getting paid to do what I love," I said grinning.

"Yeah I know how that feels, getting paid to sing in front of fans is the best feeling ever for me,"

"I bet," I smiled at him and stood up, "well I best get back inside, im starting to get quite tired, jet lag and all, plus I dont want to wake my best friend," he just chuckled.

"See you around Chloe," she smiled and winked at me before walking back into his apartment, I walked back into mine and sighed, gosh was he super attractive! No chloe, you cannot fall in love with him.

Daydream Away *Wesley Stromberg*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat