One Door Closes...

Start from the beginning

"Well done," she paused. Tension built up again. "...and congratulations." She smiled as she passed me a letter with a Congratulations stamped onto the back.

I didn't know what to do. I was shocked. The only thing I could of doing was hugging the lady whilst chanting, Thank You. Thank You. Thank You over and over again. The ran down the stage and hugged the there two judges before fleeing the room. I turned around before I exited the door and said thank you one last time before leaving the school and heading towards Java Jones.


"Hey Clary." I shouted as we met up in front of the café.

"Hey Lils!" My sister shouted back and hugged me lightly.

"So..." We both started. We stopped and stared at each other.

"Did you get in?" We both quickly asked at the same time.

"YES!" We both spoke at once. We paused again and smiled at each other. We squealed and hugged each other. "Congratulations" "Well Done" We exchanged.

We headed towards the café door before we paused and looked at each other.

"Sad face?" We questioned each other. We both nodded as a smirk rose onto my face.

As soon as I entered Java Jones, I wiped the smirk off my face and put on my I-feel-like-I'm-gonna-cry face.

We headed towards Simon and once he took one glance at us he fired off saying, "Give me the professors names and I will end them!" He directed at Clary before he turned to me saying "Who watched over your audition? Give me their names and I'll end their careers..."

He trailed off as I looked at him in confusion whilst Clary looked at him in astonishment.

He carried on by saying, "...You know. With a scathing email to the Dean!"

Clary cut him off, saying "Don't bother" as we both sat down and adjusted our positions so we were comfortable. Once that happened, we threw down our letters to the table in front of us.

It wasn't long before he saw the giant CONGRATULATIONS! At the top of each letter.

"What?!" He said incredulously. He put the letters down and looked at us, suppressing a smile. My smirk returned to my face as Clary smiled.

"Sad face?" He questioned us. "Really?"

Clary and I couldn't help it so we started giggling to each other.

"Well played. Well played" he congratulated us before giving each of us a fist bump.

I turned towards my sister before giving her a hug again and congratulating her once more.

"Thank you." Clary started off, "You know it's weird. They kinda liked my assigned work but they flipped out over the drawings for our graphic novel."

This time it was Simon and I who spoke in unison, "Your welcome". We then turned towards each other asking at the same time, "I helped her more."

I argued, "No, I did, without my plot, there wouldn't be a graphic novel."

He countered that, "Well, without me snooping through your stuff and realising how much of a talented writer you are and suggesting the idea of making the novel, it would have never come true!" He finished off proudly.

Clary and I looked at him incredulously. Me, with my eyebrow raised whilst Clary shook her head at Simon idiotic tendencies. He realised what we were trying to convey and moved on.

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