Chapter 12 ~Coby~

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"How could you do that to poor Aria? She's supposed to be your friend! You two better watch out, especially you, Miss Jacobs, as I am fully aware that you are on your second chance!" the teacher threatens. She drags them off into another corridor.

I walk through the Entrance Hall into what Filch calls, "The Great Hall!"

I see the eyes of hundreds of students travel across the hall to settle on me. There are four tables. There are two boys sitting at one of the tables, staring at me as if I don't belong here. One of them leans over to whisper something in the other's ear, and the other boy smirks and begins to pass the message along the table.

We pass another table, which is full of kind-looking people. The table next to them have that look about them, that signifies that they are really smart. The last table has students on it that look like...I don't really they're not scared of anything.

I think these tables are organised by the students character. We didn't have them at Cigam. See, the end table with those two boys is sort of the evil table, the one with the kind-looking people is the kind and fair table, the one with the smart looking table is the smartest table, and the ones that look like they're not scared of anything is the brave table.

We have reached the front of the Great Hall, where a bunch of teachers a seated on a long table.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce a transfer student from Australia! Coby Reynolds, who will be in his first year at Hogwarts!" says an old man. This must be Dumbledore. Everyone in the hall, except the evil table, claps politely.

Dumbledore sets a rickety old stool on the stage, with an old patched hat on top of it. He beckons me towards it, and instructs me to sit down and put the hat on my head.

Hmmm... says a voice in my head. I jump, startled. It wasn't my voice! Smart, kind, cunning...I see bravery there too. What house to put you in? You seem to fit the categories for each...but...I guess I'll put you in...

"GRYFFINDOR!" shouts the hat to the whole hall. Dumbledore directs me to the brave table. Everyone is clapping on that table. I sit down.

"Welcome to Gryffindor," says a red-headed girl. Her eyes are red and puffy, and her nose is blocked, as if she had been crying. "I'm Aria Martins, this is Gabby Potter," she says, indicating the girl beside her with dark-blonde curls, "and this is Kelly Ryan," she finishes, pointing to the girl next to Gabby with straight blonde hair.

"I'm Dean Thomas," says the boy on the other side of me.

"Um, hi?" I say uncertainly. "I'm Coby Reynolds..."

"Cool accent," says Aria.

I frown. "I don't have an accent! It's you guys who have the accent! My voice is...normal, I guess..."

They all laugh.

"What's it like in Australia?" asks Gabby eagerly. "Do you really ride kangeroos everywhere?"

"No!" I burst out. "I thought it was only stupid Americans who thought that!"

Gabby laughs. "My adoptive family are stupid Americans, and they told me that."

"Is it really sunny and warm there?" Kelly asks.

"Do you go to the beach, like, everyday?" Aria chimes in.

"Is it true Australia's a really sporty country?" Dean interjects.

"Yes, yes, and yes!" I say.

"Cool..." says Gabby. The others seem to feel the same way.

The Undiscovered Triplets {A HP fan-fic}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant