Chapter:5 hiro&tami

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Tami POV~

It's been days since Hiro and I kissed but we haven't talked about it, it's like he's trying to avoid it. My chest tightens at the very thought of it. What if the kiss didn't mean anything? What's if he likes someone else? All theses thoughts swirl around in my head while I walk down the hall headed towards the drama club.

Hiro POV~

All I can think about is that kiss. I can't think of anything else we see each other when we work on the play together. We haven't even talked about the kiss or even talked at all it's really awkward. I mean I'm kinda leaving her hanging and not telling her how I feel but I told myself from the beginning that I would only focus on the play I don't have time for romance. But then again I can't stop thinking about her and that kiss was incredible. There was literally sparks between us. What am I gonna do? As I'm pounding I hear foots steps behind me. Maybe it's time to come clean about my feelings and stop trying to run away from it and just let it happen as I turn around I suddenly feel something soft on my lips. It doesn't feel right at all I open my eyes wide I see two sites that I really did not want to see first was erica kissing me and the next was Tami in the door way with tears running down her face..... Dammit when I'm about to explain what's going on Erica speaks cutting me off

"Oh hey Tami I didn't see you there I'm sorry you had to see that it's just that Hiro and I started dating." Erica said.

"Oh um Congratulations" she says with a forced smile.

No Tami it's not what you think I thought to myself I couldn't even speak it was like everything was happening in slow motion and I couldn't even do anything I was frozen.

She then turns to me with a sad smile and then back to Erica and says

"Y-you guys make a wonderful couple I hope you both are happy" she says as her voice trails off

No no this can't be happening say something dammit.

"Tami I-" I say

"It's ok Hiro I understand well anyways I just wanted to say that I'm gonna quite the play" she says

"W-what?!? Wait a sec-" I say as I'm interrupted

"Yeah I was thinking acting wasn't really my thing I'm the closet girl." She said in a mono tone.

No don't give up please

"Tam-" I start to say.

"Erica you deserve the part of Wendy. Well I should go and let the couple get back to it. Sorry to have disturbed you guys." She says then runs down the hall.

I turned to Erica and yelled at her

"What the hell did you do that for?!?"

She flinched then glared at me

"Why are you so upset didn't you like me kissing you? You know I'm the most popular girl in school so why wouldn't you go out with me why that closet bitch?!? She isn't pretty or anything? Huh?! if you can kiss her then why not me I'm sure I was better then that loser!" She screamed.

Before I can say anything back she kisses me and says

"See ya later boyfriend"

And she runs out of the club room
I feel like the world around me is crumbling. Why didn't I do anything? Why did I just let Tami leave with the misunderstanding? Why didn't I tell Erica that I'm not her boyfriend? I know why it's because I'm a coward.


I go into the closet and start doing the costumes with tears streaming down my face

"I'm a fool of course that kiss didn't mean anything to him they belong together I'm just the closet girl." I state.

But it still doesn't make the pain go away in my chest.

"Hiro...." I mumble.

Suddenly the closet doors open with a bang and standing there is Erica

"Hiro is mine stay away from him. Don't even come to the stage area unless it involves costumes. Unless I ask you to get me some tea got that! And another thing if you try to go near my Hiro! I will make sure you get kicked out school. I have my ways of getting you into trouble just like I did to the other girls who got in my way understand?" She says in a threatening tone.

"Y-yes" I stutter.

Erica smirked
Good girl she says with cold eyes and a evil smile and leaves the costume closet

My hands are shaking and more tears fall from my eyes as I continue to work on the Peter Pan costume locking away all my feelings for Hiro. Little did I know someone saw the whole thing and is planing something as we speak.

The black fox gang finding love(side story to I said I love you black fox)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя