Niall opened his mouth to say something, but it seemed almost like the words were caught in his throat and it felt like it was only him and the boy in front of him in the room; almost like everyone else was gone. He licked his lips and opened his mouth again, but the word that came out sounded more like a squeak. "Hi." He cleared his throat quickly and the noise from around him came back at once, the music pounding in his ear and the laughter from others around him. "Hi," he said, a little bit more firm with his voice.

       The boys laugh flowed through the air like a melody and he's already addicted to it. "Hi, I'm Zayn," he said, biting his lip and moving closer so that their chests were just a few inches away. "What's your name?" Zayn asked, putting his hands on Niall's hips and he felt fire flow through his whole body just by a simple brush of skin on skin.

       "Niall," he said, sounding a bit more confident than before, but who could blame him? The boy in front of him was probably his own definition of perfection, with his defined cheek bones, long eye lashes, pink and soft looking lips. Even his nose looks like it's been sculpted by God for hours more than what his father would usually spend his time on. "Would you like to dance?" he offered, moving closer so their hips were pressed together and he bit his lip, a little bit nervous of rejection. When Zayn nodded and moved his hips against Niall's to the music, Niall smiled and put his hands on Zayn's shoulders, grinding on him and keeping in time with the beat.

       After dancing for a good half hour, Zayn points to the bar and pulls Niall over there. He leans against it as Niall sat down on a stool and they just stare at each other, biting their lips and leaning closer slightly. When their lips were only a breath away, Zayn got pulled back by a guy much bigger than both of them. He couldn't hear what he was saying, but by the look on Zayn's face, he didn't think it was good. Zayn looked back at Niall and shrugged his shoulders, smiling slightly. "We'll meet again," he said, patting his knee lightly before walking away. Niall reached out to grab his hand, but he was already too far away.

        Harry watched Niall leave and looked out the window for a few more seconds before his eyes snapped to Louis'. He didn't know how he should feel about the demon that sat on the bed next to him and it made it a little bit uncomfortable knowing they were in a room. Alone. He was in a room alone with someone who had kissed him just earlier that day. Harry looked away quickly and sat on the edge of the bed, leaning over and resting his face in the palm of his hand and letting his elbows fall on top of his thighs. To be completely honest, he was terrified to be stuck alone with a demon that could kill him in a matter of seconds, but it was even scarier that he couldn't bring himself to be afraid of Louis.

       "Well isn't this a pleasant silence?" Louis said, sarcasm lacing his voice. He looked over at Harry, who was slouched over and remaining completely still and silent. He sighed softly and got up, moving over so he was sitting right next to Harry. "I...I want to talk about the kiss," he whispered, looking over at Harry and seeing him turn his head slightly so they were looking at each other. "It was unexpected and you probably don't want me anywhere near you right now, but something about you..." he trailed off and licked his lips, looking in front of him towards the wall. When Harry stayed silent, Louis sighed and his irritations levels grew slightly, but he kept calm. "Can you say something?"

      Harry looked away from Louis and down at the ground below him, biting his lip and refusing to meet Louis' eye. "I don't know," he whispered, letting go of his lip and sighing. His eyes were closed now and he pressed his face into his hands, hiding them and letting his curls fall in front of him. "I don't have anything to say." He kept his voice low and quiet because he truly had nothing to say on the matter. He was going to consider it a one time thing, so there was no reason to discuss the kiss anyways.

       With a shake of his head, Louis stood up from the bed and walked so he was standing in front of Harry, hands on his hips. "Fine, let's talk about something else. The reason you want to go back to heaven when you aren't wanted," Louis said, trying to get something out of Harry other than an 'I don't know', which annoyed the shit out of him. "What's so important that you need to go back, especially when there's a chance you could get killed. How do you think Niall would feel if you got killed, huh?"

       Something snapped inside of Harry and he stood up, towering over Louis and glaring down at him with his eyes full of anger. "Why does a no good demon like you care?" he growled, standing right in front of Louis, who was a little taken back by the sudden change in Harry's mood. "What does my business mean to you and what does it matter if I do? Who are you to decide what I do?" His hands were balled into fist and he looked intimidating, but Louis wasn't going to back down if what he was doing was making Louis talk. "I need to find something out, so I have to go back," Harry had calmed down slightly when he remembered the dream he had and looked away from Louis, his hands relaxing as he closed his eyes. "I have to go back," he whispered, turning towards the window and walking over.

       Louis shook his head and grabbed Harry's wrist, turning him around and making sure he wouldn't get away. "I can't let you, Niall would kill me," he said, now gripping both of Harry's wrist so he couldn't flee. "Just sit and stay calm, Niall can help you when he get's back." He hoped.

       Louis was biting his lip and could feel Harry trying to pull out and that's when his patience ran out. He pushed Harry onto the bed and pinned him there, his legs on either side of Harry's hips and holding his wrists above his head. He looked directly into Harry eyes and he saw everything unfold; his whole life before he had died and even how he had died. His eyes had now widened and watched as Harry's did the same, only filling with fear and something else he couldn't quiet figure out.

       "It was you."

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