Creepy Games

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✖ okay i dont understand people who hear about creepy games that could kill you and eventually they play them i mean WHATT??

1. First thing first, Bloody Mary i mean come on, you say her name 3 times in a mirror and she comes to kill you. WHAT?!! Whyy in the name of god would you summon a ghost to kill you?

2. You have that friend who always wants to do some weird sh#t like ask you to go around and mess with ouija board, just say no, and when you see that friend being dragged away by a ghost just yell i told you ya!!!
A/N ps i would totally try ouija board 😂

3. Also i watched this movie once called "Wicked" like some stupid kids go into woods and like throw some rocks at a house and if you hit a Window some crazy witch is coming for your blood to make herself pretty so your know... So you hear an old ghost story in the town about an old witch in some creepy a#s house in some creepy a#s wood just... Dont
A/N i still regret watching that stupid movie 😒

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