Chapter Two - Wonderful

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I began to think.

I guess I'll take the front door. I went back into my room, closed my window and walked downstairs..

"Almost one thousand dollars, I'm impressed at how much you've saved so far."

I yelped and turned around. I saw the outline of Ian sitting in a chair. My heartbeat was on overdrive and I felt like I could pass out any second. Without a second thought, I ran straight for the door, unlocked it and began to run. I didn't look behind me, but I heard footsteps that were gaining on me. I ran faster and almost tripped on a chip in the sidewalk.

"Azura!" my father's enraged voice snarled, "Get here this instant!"

I pushed myself to run faster. My lungs were burning but I didn't stop. It was then I saw a taxi down the street. I waved at it.

"No!" yelled Ian.

The taxi stopped and I ran towards it. I pried the door open and went inside.

"Drive!" I choked out, "This man is following me!"

The last thing I saw of my father was his distressed face. The taxi drove off and I began to catch my breath.

"Thank you." I hoarsely mumbled, "Please take me to the nearest bus station."

When we got there, I gave the man $10 and sent him on his way. The next bus would arrive in 6 minutes and I knew the first place Ian would check is the bus station. I purchased a ticket and began waiting for what felt like forever. I could hear my heart beating in my ears, it calmed me and also made me feel very... Alive.

I promised Vincent I would see him again and he said he knew, Vincent should be anticipating my arrival! The bus pulled up and I waited another 30 minutes. I was looking at every angle to make sure Ian wouldn't show up. As soon as the bus's doors opened, I gave the man at the booth my ticket and boarded the bus. I sat in the back and looked outside the window. A gasp left my mouth when I saw Ian approaching the bus. I flew to the bathroom and closed the door. I waited in there until the bus began to move. I let out a relieved sigh and sat in the back. There weren't many people on the bus so I was able to stretch my legs. I thought I was being watched but realized I was being paranoid.

I'm coming, Vincent.

I got off of the bus and smiled. I changed my clothes about two hours ago on the bus. I stretched my muscles and instantly remembered where I was.

I missed Lakewood.

I looked around and began to walk in the direction of Vincent's house. Oh God, you'd think it would be harder to escape. I came upon his house and tears of joy clouded my vision. I tried to blink them back but one escaped. I'm here, after over a year, I made it. I wiped my tear away and ran up to his doorstep. His car was in the driveway so that mean he's home. I rung the doorbell and waited for a minute. Then, the door opened.

Tears welled in my eyes. This is something I wanted, something I dreamed of, but I know it'll never happen. I want to see Vincent. I stared at the staircase. I wanted to go down, I wanted to finally see Vincent for the first time, but even my imagination was far from realistic. I didn't understand why nothing was going into place. I know a taxi wouldn't be driving so late at night and catch me at the right moment, I don't even know if any of the buses goes near or to Lakewood.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ian knew I was saving money, he knows almost everything that goes on in this house. I'm nothing but a little girl, a twelve year old trapped in an eighteen year old's body. I willingly let the tears fall and turned back to go to my room. I walked over to my window and stared at the moon.

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