"I doubt they would keep her here, especially since it looks like no one comes here." I say, voicing my thoughts.

              "It's better we check though, rule it out though kid." He replies quietly, as we continue to make our way through the large building.

            We hear a loud clattering noise, not that far in front of us, and both of us stop in our tracks, listening. Mamoru grabs my hand, pulling me behind him, as he draws his gun, quietly creeping forward, careful to keep me behind him. I can't help rolling my eyes at the gesture, as I draw my own gun, following close behind him.

            He rounds the corner, gun first, and we run smack into Kris and Cecilia, much to our relief. "Damn cop, put the gun away it's just us." Kris adds, eyeing Mamoru's gun.

             "That was you making that racket? Damn kids..thought it was the damn mafia." he grumbles as he stashes his gun.

             "Sorry, I accidentally knocked over a box." Cecilia apologizes, a slight blush tinting her cheeks.

             "Well, I'm just glad it was you guys honestly." I say, relieved.

              "Yea... Wait, dammit kid put that gun away! It's illegal, especially for you dammit." Mamoru scolds me, shooting me an exasperated look.

               "Look cop, get used to it. I'm a mafia girl for fuck's sake." I snap, glaring at him. I was tired of him getting on my ass for it,and  it was something we never would agree on.

               Before he could answer, Scarlett and Soryu find us. "Nothing here." Scarlett announces, as she crosses the building off her map.

               "Alright, well we have time for one more, then we should head to LRN." Kris chimes in, and we all agree, heading out to the car. We head a little closer towards town, about twenty minutes from the warehouse.

               This building, looks less run down, but still looks vacant, and not very promising. We walk around the building, trying to get a feel for it, when we hear arguing voices nearby. We quietly follow the sound, to a nearby alley, to find a man and young woman, arguing.

                I'm about to go forward, when Soryu stops me, shaking his head. "This is Yakuza territory. This close to their building, I'm guessing it's two of their members, and we shouldn't interfere." he says, as we stand at the end of the alley, watching. The man is taller than the woman, about twice her size, with dark brown hair. The young woman, was tan, with dark blue hair, and crystal blue eyes.

               "I said back off asshole!" she yells, and much to our surprise, she grabs his arm, throwing her shoulder into him, as she flips him over. She sprints down the alley after, coming our way. Her blue eyes widening in surprise, as she sees us, but quickly runs past us, heading the opposite direction from the Yakuza building.

                 We go back, quickly searching the building, coming up empty again. We finally head for LRN, so the girls could introduce us to the Black Foxes finally.

                We reach the restaurant, half an hour later We see four boys, and one girl sitting at a booth towards the back. There's also one man behind the bar, and another girl sitting alone, with a computer in front of her. The lone girl had cotton candy pink hair that fell to the middle of her back. She was slender, but had curves in all the right places that one would want them, with big warm brown eyes, that had specks of yellow when the light hit them. We passed the pink haired girl, and headed for the booth towards the back.

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