Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 is up! I hope you like it :) What do you think of the cover? I found the picture with google. Enjoy!

Will wondered why his father insisted on coming to the training with him and Bryan. It was not like he hadn’t better things to do, being one of the most important knights in town. Will thought that his father acted odd. In fact, everyone acted odd lately. He decided to put it of his mind and ran a few meters to catch up with his companions.

“Are you prepared for a day of fun?” sir Steven asked. Bryan snorted.

“At training? Yeah, right,” he exclaimed. Will looked at his father critically. His barely visible smile and the vague glitter in his eyes betrayed he knew something. Will wasn’t so sure he was going to like the surprise that was obviously ahead of them at the training. He didn’t reply, but looked around instead. Everywhere on the narrow street, people stopped and looked at them. Some frowning, some admiring. Conversations were interrupted and the ones who used to have them pointed at the trio heading for the central hall.

           Sir Steven acted as though he didn’t notice it. Bryan probably didn’t notice at all. Will tried to ignore it, but the hairs in his neck raised. He didn’t know what he liked better: this, or the disgusted looks and ignorance he used to get. He increased his speed, trying to get this over with as soon as possible. The street they were walking through, however, didn’t agree with that. It seemed to go on and on endlessly and it got even narrower. Nobody else seemed to notice how time slowed done, until Will could follow every single movement.

            Finally, they reached the central square and the weird feeling disappeared, though leaving Will feeling a little uneasy. A small group gathered in front of the training hall, and Will realised it were the other trainees. Why are we always last? he thought, scowling. They joined in with the others. Owen and Steven greeted each other enthusiastically, before asking for the attention. Six pairs of eyes looked up at Owen, who spoke up first.

“Alright, everyone,” he started, rubbing his hands together. “Maybe you expected to have to work on your swordplay here the following weeks. In that case, you are wrong.” The boys exchanged happy looks, but then Steven continued.

“You are going to practice your skills with a sword on your way,” was all he said. He looked at the small group in front of him, his eyebrows expectantly raised. The boys stared back, not knowing what was expected from them.

“On our way where?” Will asked slowly, suspicion forming inside him. Steven nodded at him, glad somebody understood what he meant at last.

“That,” Owen said, his eyes twinkling with the pleasure of someone who knows what’s going on, “is a very good question, Will. However, we’re not going to answer it.” Some of the boys made indignant comments, but Owen ignored them. “We are going on a journey. The destination will be revealed to you, but only when you’re ready for it. Sir Steven here is coming with us, to give you professional help. Your parents have already been informed. We’re leaving now.” For once, Will was glad he was not the one to be unprepared. He and Bryan had put their swords on their belts that morning, making sure they wouldn’t forget them. Since they wouldn’t have any time to go back home anyway, he was relieved that that wasn’t necessary either.

            “Wait. You mean like… right now?” Adam asked nervously. Owen nodded as answer.

“Why yes, is that a problem?” Steven asked. Adam hurried to shake his head.

“No, sir, but… Are we… Are we going to die?” he asked. Steven threw his head backwards and laughed.

“No, of course not! That’s not supposed to happen, at least,” he replied then.

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