Chapter 10

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      Over the next few days, Dipper did his best to forget the fact that they had to leave. At night, however, he found he was restless. All he wanted to do was see his love. He shook his head violently, trying to snap himself out of it. He decided to pay him a visit, so he slowly and silently worked his way to the captain's quarters. You know where this is going, don't you? Said a nagging voice in his head. Agh! Shut up, brain! I can visit the captain without... He ruffled his hair in frustration with himself. Um, I'll just talk to him about my research! Yeah, who knows what I can learn from his vast knowledge? Probably more than a year of my own field or book research! Yeah! It's a good thing I have my journal and pen with me. Suddenly he was pumped to discuss the supernatural with Bill. An image of engaging in deep conversation with his tied-for-first favorite person (sorry, he has to share the spotlight with Mabel) made him quicken his pace in anticipation.
He burst into the captain's quarters, beaming with excitement. Bill had been slouched over some papers and maps on his desk, a hand running through his hair. He immediately perked up upon Dipper's arrival. A half smirk appeared on his lips. "Well, well, well, back for more already? You're awfully persistant, Pine Tree!" he said smugly, bringing a blush to the surface of the brunette's cheeks as his smile melted into an embarrassed frown.
"N-no! That is not what I'm here for!" he argued as though it hadn't even crossed his mind, "I came to get some more notes on the supernatural!" He took out his journal and pen for proof. Bill wasn't convinced. He crawled up on his desk, then laid on his back and looked at Dipper upside-down as he half hung off the platform. "You don't have to lie to me," he said seductively. The brunette avoided his eyes as he replied stubbornly, "I'm not lying! I'm serious about my research! That's the whole reason I was looking for a job at sea in the first place!"
The blonde appeared next to Dipper out of no where, towering over him. In shock, he had looked up and accidentally locked gazes with the captain. "Then just try saying that again while looking at me!" he challenged innocently, hands on his hips. "That is the reason I went looking for a job!" Dipper replied. Well, he wasn't lying about that. Bill narrowed his eyes, smirk only growing wider. "You know that's not what I meant. Go ahead, tell me that's the only reason you're in my quarters past lights-out!" Dipper's blush deepened as his palms began to sweat. The captain grinned triumphantly.
"Fine, have it your way," he said suddenly and nonchalantly, turning and sitting back behind his desk. The brunette was left sanding there, unable to move and jaw slightly ajar. He wanted to protest, but his words were caught in his throat. Wait, protesting him would prove him right! But the truth was, he was right. He yearned to confess it and just let what happened next happen, but a stubborn part of him slapped him back to reality. Now's the chance to get some information, like you planned! He recollected his thoughts and pulled a chair around the other side of the desk, where Cipher sat.
      Their conversations were admittedly a bit awkward at first, but Dipper gained more and more energy from them as they progressed. He actually made some good editions to his research notes; Bill's knowledge was insanely vast! It was almost like he knew everything! "Now that we got your nerd stuff out of the way, can we do things my way?" said Bill. Dipper was caught off guard. "W-what do you mean?" he said innocently, knowing the answer. He tore himself away from the demon's captivating gaze. "I-I don't know, I think I'll just head back to the sleeping quarters..."
      "Where do you think you're going," the captain said hungrily, getting up from his chair and sitting on Dipper's lap, trapping him. He grabbed the brunette's wrists and pinned then to the arms of the chair so he couldn't be pushed away. Dipper stared at the blonde with wide eyes, heart and mind in deadlock. Before he let his brain win, Bill had already sealed his lips in an intense kiss. Dipper still stared at the man as he was being kissed. His face looked so beautiful, so perfect it painted him. He still didn't understand how someone so extraordinary could love someone so... Not.
Bill pulled away for a moment, their faces still mere inches apart. "That's just love for ya. Explaining it would be ruining the mystery," he said in a silky voice. Mystery. Yes, this man was a mystery wrapped in an enigma, but maybe that's part if why Dipper found him so deliciously interesting. He was never bored; there was always something new to discover, and he loved it. And he loved Bill. He let the pen and journal slip out of his hands and crash to the floor, and slowly closed his eyes, letting his self control slip away.
Bill took his hands away from Dipper's wrist and gently placed them on his face. His touch was so ginger, as though Dipper was something more precious than gold. It seemed impossible for a demon to have such a gentle touch. The brunette wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck, pulling him a little closer. The captain pulled away again, only to begin to migrate down to Dipper's neck, leaving a trail of kisses in his wake. He inhaled sharply at the gesture, taking effort to let the breath out steadily, causing it to be shaky. As he did, the kisses Bill was planting on Dipper's neck intensified. He began working at the pesky buttons of his shirt, tossing it aside when he was done.
Now there was the matter of Bill's shirt. The demon brought his face up to the brunette's, lightly pressing their foreheads together as he stared into his eyes. "You're turn, Pine Tree~" he said. Dipper's ever-present blush deepened. Before he did anything, Bill swiftly stood from he chair and scooped the his Pines into his arms, bringing him over to the bed and tossing him onto it. Bill jumped on next to him, resting his hands behind his head. Dipper rolled his eyes and climbed on top of him, sitting on his lap. He attempted undoing one button in this position, but he couldn't handle looking at the man he was stripping as he stripped him. Therefore, he planted a kiss on Cipher's lips before being able to continue, planting one hand on the bed as he worked and somehow managing the buttons with one hand. At last, he freed the shirt. As Dipper slid it off, his fingers ran along his bare chest, feeling the bumps of battle scars along the way. Unable to control his curiosity, he pulled out of the kiss and looked down at the ocean of skin, tracing his fingers along each ridge. "What are all these from?" he asked, "Don't demons have incredible self-healing abilities or whatever?" Cipher replied, "Oh, these dumb things? It's no big deal, let's just say some people bring smarter weapons than others when they dare to face me!"
He found himself feeling concerned for Bill. Each scar represented a different time of pain, and there were just so many. He began kissing every one of them, as though he had the power to take away past wounds. "Woah! This is an unexpected development~" the demon exclaimed; Dipper could hear his heart speeding up. Or maybe that was just the pounding in his own chest. He clenched the sheets tightly in his fist and looked away bashfully. "Just kiss me already," he grumbled. "Wish granted," Bill replied as he rolled Dipper onto his back and began another make-out seasion. The rest of the night was spent in pure, undisturbed bliss.

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