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So it's valentine's day so I might as well do love! ❤ read authors note please.

Love Is a wonderful thing. It can bring you happiness when you thought you didn't have any left. Someone you love rather it's a friend,mother, father,boyfriend or girlfriend will help you in your dark times no matter what. If they truly love you they won't judge you or put you down, they will encourage and help you strive for the better.

If you think they love you yet they tend to judge you or put you down at times it dosent mean they don't love you maybe they're just not confident in themselves or they may be going through something you're unaware of. This is when it's your role to make them feel wanted , to let them know that they mean something to you.

Love is when the other persons happiness is more important than your own. You don't want to see their broken heart , because it breaks yours. You would do anything to see them smile and laugh again, but sometimes people need to go through a heart break to be able to love again. Ever body's heart and soul heals at their own pace. It could take days,weeks,or years to heal rather if it was a death or a break up you never know how long it could take, time heals almost everything. If it's you or someone close to you all you can do is help and support them through their though times, and never give up on them.

Without love I wouldn't want to be in this world. Everything and everyone wouldn't have a purpose. You need love to support and encourage one another. Love is what makes you feel wanted, it makes you feel like you belong with the people surrounding you. Without love we would be empty. We wouldn't feel happiness or sympathy we would feel nothing and we would have nothing.

Sometimes it's hard to love or give your heart out and that's okay, it's okay to be careful with your heart. When the time comes where someone proves to you that they're worth your love don't hesitate to give it to them. Sometimes you have to put your fears aside to get what you need, to get what you want.

Always do what makes you happy. Be with people that make you smile. Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.

Sometimes love is happiness. Sometimes love is pain. But will pick up the broken pieces and do it all again. - potatoe s.j ♡

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Happy valentine's day potatoes I love you all. I'm alone eating chocolate lol so please love me by voting and comment what ya think it will make me smile ♡
~ Peace out when the creeps out~

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