Home Invasion

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^^ Some Blonde Lucy ^^
And Some evolutionary psychology to cut your teeth on, my lovelies. Our girls get naughty towards the middle, so beware. 😘😘😘

--- Lucy's POV ---

I scrubbed away at a blood stain on the wooden floor of our nest, groaning in frustration, my ripped and patched jean shorts riding up into very distracting places.

Thomas walked by, carrying a rabbit towards the kitchen, and of course, it was bleeding, making my entire mood shift.

I growled and stood, stomping over to him. I got in his face. "Thomas. Reece. St. Jude. Delarosa!" I full-named him, and even used his traditional Catholic saints name.

He froze and gulped, instantly terrified. "Sí, mi hermana?" He asked slowly.

"If you leave any more blood trails across my wooden floors I made with my bare hands, I'll strangle you. It looks like a serial killers hut in here!"

I gestured to the blood trails ingrained into the wood all over. He hummed, initial fear gone, now that he knew what the problem was. "I don't have a game bag yet. Sorry." He shrugged.

I blinked and walked over to the wall, removed one of the two game bags I'd gotten yesterday (in return for six squid I'd fished for in the bay), and shoved it into his chest.

"I showed you where they were when I got them yesterday." I sighed, and he nodded, walking into the kitchen to start dinner.

I cleaned up the blood as best I could, and scrubbed out the stains with lemon juice mixed with gum-tree sap to eat up the blood without eating the wood.

I sat back on my heels. "Okay. Now if I can keep this clean, I'll be happy."

"Do you enjoy cleanliness?" A voice spoke in English randomly, from behind me. I whirled, drawing a large knife and holding it across my chest instinctually.

The woman from the cave, Kayo, finally decided to visit, a month later, and was sitting on my windowsill. I sheathed my knife and huffed, annoyed with my laziness.

"My senses are still getting used to the ambience of the forest. If we were in the city, you'd never sneak up on me like that." I defended myself.

She hummed. "I wouldn't remember. Is it quieter in the city?"

"No, much, much louder, meaning smaller sounds are more important. The silence here... It's so deep it seeps into your bones and makes you feel awake." I smiled.

She grinned. "This city sounds quite chaotic. Did you leave because you prefer the peace of the forest?"

I shook my head. "We just left to find a new home, and saw this place from the boat. Seemed nice, so we stayed. It's not far from Okinawa, which is good."

I bent to retrieve my bucket and sponge, and she whistled in appreciation of the view of my very large behind. I stood quickly, and glared at her. "Seriously?" I asked incredulously.

She shrugged. "You have a very large ass. I like it. Soft, yet firm." She said simply.

"It's not big! How dare you!" I growled and rushed into the 'kitchen' (really just a bunch of stones and a water chimney to filter the smoke) grumbling complaints.

I started to pour out the water into the 'sink', (just a metal bowl that drained into a reservoir for the chimney and for cleaning.) all the while blushing like a Chile.

She followed, unfortunately. She saw my brother, and smiled. "Hello Thomas." She greeted him warmly.

He blinked, and shook his head, going back to separating the rabbit, and mumbling about how the world is getting to weird for him.

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