Type 1: The Cold-Blooded

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"Bad Boys ain't No good. But good boys ain't no fun."
Name: *****
Age: 19
Astro Profile: Capricorn Sun
                           Saggitarius moon
Nickname: Swidech.
Weakness: None.
Blank Space- Taylor Swift
Ocean Eyes- Billie Eilish
Skin- Kayla La grunge
Two weeks- Fka Twigs
Fools- Troye Sivan
Pillow Talk- Zayn Malik
She wants- SOS
Landslides- Zara Kershaw
Break you down- Taking Back sunday
Ever Fallen In love- BuzzCocks
Hurricane- Halsey
I walk the line- Halsey

During my research to find the 101 types of fuck boys. I stumbled upon this Instagram guy. I've heard girls metion him before.
Typical case of fuck boy.
Or as I thought...
This one is a complicated one.
I decided to start off with the Cold Blooded one cause I wanted to start off with a bang!
And this one is one fucking atomic bomb. He is got strong presence. He is incredibly confident. Narcisstic as fuck.
He knows all the right things to say. He doesn't fuck around.. well he does. But he doesn't sugar coat himself like the other types.
He serves his dish cold and raw. He loves honesty too much to lie.
He is the type to be like
"I'm hot. You're hot. I'm an asshole but i'm hella fun. If you wanna do this you better be damn sure i wont fucking pick up the phone to check on you and do that lovey dovey shit.
I fuck. I don't feel get it?"
The only problem with this one is that the girl would agree at first but his presence is somewhat addictive and hypnotizing to the point she just ends up square face on the ground head over heels.
He is indiffrent most of the time.
He is funny. He is popular. He is successful. He seems perfect.. so what's the catch you ask?
He does not FEEL.
Like feelings...
He legit doesn't feel anything inside. He like has an ice berg where his heart should be. He has never fallen in love.. probably never will.
Like some people are born with physical disabilities. He is born with a psychological one.
He doesn't believe in commitment. But he does believe in marriage.
He thinks marriage is a must in every man's life. Yet he says he will not be faithful.
You heard it here ladies. If you were fantasizing about marrying this one. Expect a love affair.
Speaking to this one gave me a head ache. I kept looking for reasons of why he is this way.
Turns out he just is.
Simple as that.
He kept trying to flip my game on me. He gave me migrains. He is a stressful one.
He has never experienced any traumatizing situations. He doesn't suffer from any phobias or fears. He seemed invincible. Despite his age he seemed to be surrounded by an entourage of people not close to his age. Even his exes were older than him. He sported a maturity about him. That at this age. He shouldn't have. He grew up too fast. Too quick. He experienced everything. He has tested all limits and been through it all so life and relationships to him seem dull.
He doesn't trust that quick. He says you shouldn't trust him either. He operates on a buissness like mind. His image had been picked out by him for specific reasons. His personality gets him to places and the success he needs. He spends a few hours calculating your every move. Then he takes form of the image you would like most.
That one is a rare gift right there.
I call it " Shape Shifting"
We will be seeing it alot. It seems like a must talent for these men.
This one is also a control freak. He wants everything organized. You have to be a certain way for you to please him. He even doesn't like to drink too much because he doesn't like having no control over himself during a drunkin' state.
He seems to always have a plan. If he ever comes hunting you. You can bet he has an ulterior motive. He does not waste his time if it's not beneficial in any way.
His type seems to be confident but once he is finished with it. He leaves it filled with emotional scars and insecurities. He had stripped her naked inside out. He destroyed all the walls and took everything to take.
He is for sure abusive.
He is cold blooded and a psychopath.
I can assure he can kill someone if he wanted to.
Now that's what he wanted to hear pretty exciting right?
In my point of vue I find this type obnoxious and incredibly annoying.
He is not exactly a boyfriend material. This is the type of guy you call when you are bored and want something pretty to look at.
Even with his maturity his arrogance makes him seem like an immature brat.
He is so caught up in his own ego he is stuck in his own web of manipulations.
Living life like a plain douchbag.
No girl with an actual mind and no daddy issues would fall for this type.
The only girl that would fall for this guy is the same girl who would post Tumblr sad quotes everytime they have a fight.
All of her pictures captions are deep quotes from books she never read.
But hey masochism and abusive relationships are the new fad.
And this boy is definitly trending on its charts.

And this boy is definitly trending on its charts

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

The solution: Become Cold Blooded.
If you can't beat em join em!
Challenge him. This boy loves a spit fire. If you colden up and shoot him down. He will not rest till he got you. Keep him on his feet and following you. Till he attaches himself to you time by time.
If he ever asked to get to know you DO NOT LET HIM.
He is trying to shape shift. Break down his walls before he breaks down yours. Learn his secrets. Force your presence into his life.
This type needs a girl like him.. if not worse.
The only glitch with my theory is that  this type might like to play it safe. He doesn't wanna be fixed like the other types. So this is where you flip his game on him. Shape shift yourself into an image of a powerless needy innocent girl. Once he falls for your vulnerability. Become him.
If you're the type that doesn't like all the mind games.. Either you decide to play his game and face the fire knowing full well you might be destroyed Or Walk away darling. This boy is not for the faint hearted kind.

The Fuck Boy Complex : The 101 TypesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz