Chapter 4

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Christine, I love you

Shortly after these lyrics, the show was over. Sierra was in awe and was clapping louder than ever.

"That was amazing," Sierra told Andrew.

"Yes, and soon that will be you up there," Andrew replied. 

The Phantom cast walked out on stage and took their bows. Once everyone started leaving, Sierra decided to walk outside to find her future cast mates at stage door. She followed everyone outside only to find a ton of people trying to talk to the cast. Sierra entered the mosh pit and decided to wait until it died down. 

About five minutes later, people started leaving. Sierra first spotted Ramin and walked over to him.

"Hi," Sierra said handing him her program. 

Ramin quickly looked up then down to sign it. He quickly glanced back up.

"Sierra!" he said very breathy and happily. "So," Ramin said with a slight pause, "did I live up to your expectations?" Ramin smiled.

"Well, to be quite honest..." Sierra said over exaggerating 'well'. "You were better than what everyone else said."

Ramin's face lit up and he smiled while looking down. He quickly signed his initials.

"I can hardly imagine that." Ramin handed the program back to Sierra.

Sierra looked into Ramin's brown eyes. They definitely were hypnotizing. 

"Move out of my way!" Some fangirls pushed Sierra out of the way to get to Ramin. 

"I'll talk to you later!" Ramin shouted as Sierra got swept away.

Wow, these people were very dedicated, Sierra thought. They would probably do anything to get to Ramin. Which is totally understandable. Sierra thought he was an amazing actor.

Walking further away from the theatre, Sierra called for a cab. About three pulled over for her, which Sierra thought was pretty funny.

She walked into the closest one to her. 

"Where to?" the driver asked.

Sierra gave the driver her address of her apartment building. 

Once she got home, it was already 11 pm, so Sierra headed straight to bed after changing and brushing her teeth. She flopped onto her mattress and instantly fell asleep. 


The sunshine flooding through Ramin's blinds forced Ramin to wake up. 

He rolled over to his end table to grab his phone and check the time.


He really did sleep in late this morning. Which is totally understandable because he did get home really late last night. 

Ramin had gotten a text from Andrew. He told Ramin that he scheduled a last minute rehearsal with Sierra.  Andrew wanted them to work as much as possible so that they could perform soon. 

Ramin got up and rubbed his face to wake himself up. He got out of bed and took a cold shower. 

Running out the door so he wasn't late, Ramin grabbed a granola bar and headed to the theatre.

Once Ramin entered the theatre, he ran to his dressing room and set down his coat. He thought he was running late, but he got there on time. 

About ten minutes later, Andrew called Ramin to the stage. Ramin entered the stage and saw Sierra.

the end of the day {rierra fanfiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora