Slenderman Follows (Short Story)

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I was running. From what, I didn't know yet. The low hanging branches scratched at my cheeks and frilly dress. It seemed as though the trees wanted me to get caught. To be dragged to the depths of the forest by this mysterious entity. To die.

My day didn't start out this way. I had woken up to the heart warming clanks of tea cups and silverware. I had gone downstairs to eat breakfast with my mother and father. When we had finished, I had gone outside to play in the forest. My parents had always warned me to never wander into the forest. They said there were some dark and dangerous things in there, things I should never have to encounter. But whenever I stepped over the border of my lawn and into that forest, a buzz of excitement and adrenaline always jolted through my system. So I would wait until my parents were too busy to notice my absence, and I would slip into the mysterious forest.

I thought the forest was beautiful and unique in so many ways. When I entered it, it was like entering my own sanctuary. I was an addict, and this was my drug. I would chase the tiny birds and squirrels around the mossy forest floor, and watch as they scurried up the old, tall oak trees. Then I would lay in the soft wildflowers in a clearing, watching as the fluffy clouds drifted past. I would sit there for hours, just enjoying the sights and sounds of the forest, inhaling the sweet and crisp air. And I enjoyed every moment. I was in pure bliss, pure ecstasy.

That is, until I spotted something I had never seen before. Curious, I sat up and ran towards the strange object. As I got closer, I realized it was a piece of ancient, worn out paper. Still curious, wondering why such an object would be way out here, I reached for it, not realizing that I had just shattered any hope of keeping my wonderful life.

The paper had a drawing on it. It was a really tall man standing next to a tree. In scratchy letters, it said, 'FOLLOWS'. I didn't know what to think of this. At that moment, the forest seemed to get darker, and...scary. The forest was never scary to me, but right now I felt terrified. A rush of anxiety flooded my system, and I started walking home. After walking for 10 minutes, I realized that I was hopelessly lost. Then I felt it. Something was watching me.

I believe we have a sixth sense. A sense that allows us to know when we are being watched or followed. And my sixth sense was exploding with the recognition that I was being followed. Goosebumps appeared all over my body as I remembered that the old parchment had had FOLLOWS scrawled on it. My heart was pounding in my ears as I slowly turned my head around to look for what was watching me.

I guess my parents were right.

A tall being in a black suit and a red tie was what I saw. His skin, if you would even consider it skin, was snow white, and seemed to be stretched tightly around his skinny bones. This thing literally seemed to be made completely out of skin and bones. And the most frightening and uncanny thing about him, was that he had no face. It was as though it had been drawn on, and then sloppily erased off of his skin.

I didn't know what to do. My voice had disappeared, and my entire body seemed to be on lockdown. My eyes refused to leave where his eyes would be. My tongue and mouth moved but words could not emerge. So I did the only thing I could do. I bit my tongue as hard as I could, and my body awoke from it's frozen state. I turned around, and I ran faster than I had ever run before.

Now you know what I had gotten myself into, and how it had all come to happen.

After running through the hateful and unforgiving forest for what seemed like hours, I emerged onto my freshly cut lawn. Then my body allowed itself to become somewhat human again. I began to cry and scream my heart and soul out. My arms and legs were cut and bloodied. Dirt, plants, and twigs were intertwined in my crazy hair and shredded dress. That was when I realized something was terribly wrong.

My parents had not come running out of the house to suffocate me with hugs and soft whispers of reassurance. My mother was not here to cry and scold me for going in the forest and staying out so late. My father was not here to pick me up and rush me inside, where he would clean me up and scold me for frightening mom like that.

The porch light was flickering on and off, and from what I could see, all of the windows were wide open. My mother would never keep them open, because she thought it would help collect more dust in our tidy home. I rushed to my house, the place where I had spent my entire life. I hastily grabbed the front doorknob and crashed the door open.

"MOM!! DAD!! PLEASE, PLEASE ANSWER ME! I NEED YOU! PLEASE! please, be okay..." I ended, slumping to the floor in a sobbing heap. I looked around my destroyed home. There was evidence of a struggle, but I knew my parent's had not had a chance. Because I knew who had taken them. He had taken them.

And I knew it was only a matter of time before he came to take me. Because now I know, that's how his game works. He toys with his prey, and then when he gets bored, he kills them. I have learned that nobody is safe from this entity's wrath.

Because if you refuse to play, he'll get you anyway.


Thanks for reading my very first wattpad story! I really hope you enjoyed reading it. The link on the side is more for the beginning, before she's running away and all that other good shit. So yeah, check out my other short story and vote, comment, shave your armpits, feed a hampster, and stay in school. Later!

Slenderman Follows (Short Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt