E- Okay. Order will be up in 1 minute.

Makayla- Okay. 

-They find their tables-

Carlos- Me and skylar going to get the smoothies. *smiles*

James- Ok.

Makayla- Dont do anything bad! Hahahaha

-Carlos and Sky-

Carlos- I really like you Sky.

Sky- I like you to Carlos! *getting smoothies*

Carlos- No I mean like in love with you. *helps get smoothies*

Sky- *stares into his eyes* I am to Carlos.

Carlos- *smiles* Nicee. Date tonight at 7? 

Sky- Planned. *smiles* 

-With James and Makayla-

James- Im in love with you Makayla. I knew from the start that I am in love with you already and when I left Minnesota I was scared I was going to lose you but I had to go live my dreams. You were part of my dream so I kept praying to god that me and you would see each other again. And its came true.

Makayla- Awwee. James Ive felt the same way! I have loved you all along.

James- Date in the morning at 5:00?


James- But its a beautiful scenceee!

Makayla - okkk.. *laughs*

-Carlos and Sky arrive at the table-

Carlos- Strawberrrrrrrryyyyyyyy ROCKS!

Sky- Blueberrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy ROCKS!

James- Strawberrrryyyyyyyy ROCKS!

Makayla- Blueberrrrrrrrryyyyyyy ROCKS!

All laugh

-With Ashley and Aerial-

Aerial- *spying on James* He looks like he's flirting with that girl. grr

Ashley- Wow... It does. He deserves much more!

Aerial- True True!!!!

Ashley- Omg. Did you hear them a while ago what James said to that girl?

Aerial- Yes... *furious*

Ashley- Hes so busted.

Aerial- Lets l-leave.. *crying a little*

Ashley- Dont cry. Hes a jerk.. 

Aerial- I said lets leave!

Ashley- Ok ok!

-They leave-

-With James and them-

-James turns around and sees Aerial-

Big Time AuditionsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz