Yelling occurs behind me. I heard the thudding of feet, but a warm feeling incases me. My hands are shaking as I stand up, glancing at Talon. The police have let him go, for some reason.

I look behind me, and the people who were chasing me, I assume, stopped at stared at me. The warm feeling subsides, and I look down, eyes filling with tears. The tension on my hair is released.

My heart was glowing. It was glowing. It was glowing a hazy, orange-yellow color.

"Oh my god.." I whisper, knees weak with relief. "Oh my god..Talon..I.." I stutter, unsure of what to say or do. What do I do? I look up, seeing Talon's chest, the same color as mine.

Talon wasted no time in running towards me and hugging me, his eyes red from crying. "Lucy, I.."

I stare at him and smile softly. "Tal, I'm really glad that it's you..."

He nodded, though he was stiff, like if he would hug me tighter I would shatter.

"What is going on around here?"

A shrill, angry voice broke us apart, however our hands linked, and I glanced down at them, smiling softly.

Francine walked over to us, putting a hand on our shoulders, as if protecting us. "Lily, Lucy and Talon have found their soulmates. They are each other's soulmates." she proclaimed.

A cheer raised throughout the team and people waiting alike, happy for us.

"Send them off," she spoke coldly causing a chill to end the happy cheering.

"Lily..that's illegal. You can't send them off for doing nothing.." she froze when Lily pulled out her gun, aiming at her head. "Lily?" she whispered, eyes wide with betrayal and fear.

"You heard me, Francine. You might be second in command, but I am still the captain."

"Earl, Veronica, Gabe, get her on the ground." she commanded, the fear gone from her eyes.

Three officers moved out of the crowd, and Lily whirled around. She glared at them, threatening to shoot her gun. The smaller male started to sprint towards her and tackled her legs.

Her legs buckling and falling to the ground, Lily screamed as the two larger ones put her arms behind her back. The smaller one put a foot on her back, looking at her with contempt.

I stared at Francine with question, and she turned towards me with a small, weary smile. "The majority of us hated Lily. We have been planning this for a long time. Thanks to you, we can stop her now." she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the woman.

I glanced at Talon, who followed behind her, his eyes flicking around the circle of police members. Only a few looked truly shocked from the events.

She held out a gun, and I shied away from it. She pushed the gun into my hands.

"She is your mother, afterall. I was going to kill her myself, but if you want to, you can do the honors of ending her life,"

Talon placed a hand on my shoulder, staring at Lily coldly. "If you don't want to.."

I drop the gun, flashes of Lily holding the gun on Jessica, Halton, and Brinley, shooting. "I can't do it. Even if she's a terrible mother, a murderer, a killer of her own daughter, I...I can't kill her. Doing that would sink to her level."

Francine stared at me for a moment, nodding. "I agree with Lucy. We can't sink to her level." Francine brushed back her red hair from her eyes, picking up the gun. "Gabe, take her to the higher ups in the system."

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