My hair wet from being slammed onto a snowy wall and may jeans soaked through when I fell to the ground, I barely stop myself from shivering as I look at the people in cafes and the baristas serving them.

My eyes catch a hiring sign on a coffee shop as I continue to walk with a fast pace when I bump into someone and we both fall to the ground. Pissed that I am covered in more snow, I try to collect myself.

"I'm so sorry!" I climb off the women I trampled. She is a middle aged lady with black hair and green eyes.

"You have no fault dear!" Her accent strikes me as I help her up and she brushes off melted snow off her coat. Im already soaked so I don't bother as I watch her.

"I was just not looking where I was going. Sorry again." I say as she makes eye contact with me and stares at my face a tad long.

"No problem dear. Whats your name?" She continues to stare at me, standing two inches away from my face. If she wasn't old, I would be running for the hills by now. People of New York are known for their cold attitude and when an English lady thats very attentive strikes me, all I want to do is get the fuck away.

"Alexandra. May I help you?" I ask trying to figure out what she is after. If she wanted to mug me she would have already done it but by the coat and shoes she is wearing, I doubt it.

"Yes in fact you can. Do you have time to have a cup of coffee with me? I'll explain everything Alexandra." Her eyes glisten as she looks at me.

"Actually I-" I need to find a way to pay all that debt but my curiosity is trying to make me agree. I'm soaked wet, the wind is blowing hard, I have no idea what I'm doing...

"I will pay you 700,000 if you agree." She blurts and the floor under me shifts. The adrenaline in my veins makes me want to do cartwheels. Instead, I keep a straight face and nod towards the coffee shop which I was staring at the hiring sign in. This is incredibly awkward and only feels like a prank.

I am hoping that she doesn't ask me to become a part of a sex ring.

She orders and pays two lattes then has me sit in front of her in a booth.

I'm still dumb founded, trying to figure out what the hell is happening to me.

"I know this sounds crazy but I am stuck in a tight spot here dear." Her accent is a delight to hear so I just sip my coffee and wait for the impossible task she will ask of me. This is either a prank or she will ask me to murder someone. Or maybe even worse, she'll ask me to do both.

"Do you recognize me? Anne Cox?" She asks and I take another look at her. That name rings no bells but the idea of her making me deal drugs is growing stronger by the minute. I'm ready for her to tell me a law suit deal and ask me if I haven't been watching the news lately.

"Nothing comes to mind." I blurt slightly embarrassed and even scared.

"I am the mum of Harry Styles. The singer?" She asks and I open my eyes wide open. The Harry Styles? The one with the long hair? The woman I thought was a drug lord is the mother of a pop star?

"No way." I start laughing as I take my phone out. I google her name and her pictures are an exact match to the woman in front of me. Well fuck this is a shitty day for me.

"Fuck." I curse at the fact that this is no prank, no joke, nothing. I am able to pay the debt and have enough money to finish university.

Anne starts giggling at my reaction as bottles of warm water wash over my head, only to realize there is possibly nothing this woman can want from me except to murder his son which I will not do.

"What do you want?" I ask after the initial shock passes. I can't believe I bumped into a person that is Harry's mom.

"I am guessing from the fact that you didn't recognize me, you don't actually know what Harry's doing at the moment." Anne says and I nod. I am not that much into celebrity stuff. I'm more of a 'fuck I have shit to deal on my own' kinda chick.

I know Red Hot Chili Peppers and enjoy their music but can't say I am a directioner.

"He took a break with the band, One Direction. They are in a 'hiatus'. I begged Harry to come to England with me but he said no. You see, my son doesn't like to lay around all day. He decided to build his own business. Styles Inc. He says he wants to do everything there. He wants to try everything possible. Now, since he is the boss, he needs an assistant. Thats where you come in." Anne talks as her eyes literally burn in excitement. I can tell she is a proud mother. But I still can't where I fit in.

"I don't get it. Why don't you just get a real assistant?" I don't get why she will pay me 700 G's to be his assistant.

"But he is a young, handsome and rich boy. In his world, there are really bad people for him. Just few weeks ago, he was on a yacht with Kendall Jenner. I don't like girls like her. Thats where you get in. I want you to protect him of all that bad people. He has a big heart, he can't see peoples real motives." I raise my eyebrows at this. Thats a lot of work. Lot of uncanny, sinister work...

"Why do you think he will listen to me at anything? He is a pop-star and I would be his assistant." I really don't know how this could work.

"Alexandra you are a beautiful, smart and charming lady. If you could spark a interest for you, he is too much of a gentleman to date his assistant so he won't actually do anything about it. I want you to keep him busy until he finds the right one. If things get too much out of hand, you can call me and I will have a word with my son." Anne holds my hands at this point. Her face is in a deep frown and she looks genuinely concerned.

"You want me to make him like me so he stays away from sluts and gold diggers? You want me to babysit your son and make him want to date me?" Maybe agreeing to this wasn't a good choice.

"Are you in university?" She asks, changing the subject.

"Yeah. I go to Columbia." I say and she smiles, glad by my answer.

"What do you study?" She asks even more intrigued.

"Business." I blurt. She starts clapping.

"Perfect! You will be working in a cooperation! Thats work experience!" She is right about this. I can talk to my supervisor and ask if this can be college credit. If so, I can come and work some days instead of going to classes. That would be great on my resumé.

"How old are you Alexandra?" She asks as she holds my hands again and stares into my eyes.

"19. I'll be 20 this April." I tell her and she nods.

"He'll be 22 this February. You guys are close in age! Please Alexandra! I need you to look out for him! I need you to be around! You are perfect for the job! So beautiful and so smart!" She praises me and I force a smile.

I got jumped today and this much money this easy is impossible to find so quickly without getting murdered or arrested.

"Fine. I'll do it." I blurt and Anne shakes my hand with a smile from ear to ear.

Forced To Be With Him 24/7حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن