She sat down next to me and put her hand on my thigh.

"Look Chris, I do love you but we're not meant to be together. The sex is great, we have great communication most of the time, and we've had a lot of fun times, but when were labeled as a couple we get agitated with each other and bump heads. The last thing I want is for what happened some years ago to happen again, so it's best we just stay close friends with benefits."

And there that is, the stupid accusation she thinks every time we get in an argument. I have apologized to her over a million times, I haven't laid one finger on her in a negative way, and I make love to her every night. I don't know why she keeps bringing it up, and it pains me every time she does. That was the biggest mistake of my life, the darkest time of my life, and the pit fall of my career. I don't know what else to do to keep her and I don't think I want to.

"Get out Rihanna," I said pointing to the door.


"Get out; all you do is bring that shit up whenever we don't see eye to eye and that shit is fuckin annoying! I've apologized to you so many times, but yet you always throw it in my face like I constantly hit you on a daily basis! If you don't want to be with me then fine don't, but don't bring up that shit unless you want me to beat your ass again! I don't want to see you, talk to you, be near you, none of that shit anymore! We and whatever the hell we had are finished cause I can't deal with this shit," I yelled.

"Chris I-" I stopped her.

I don't want to hear what she has to say cause then I'll just fall right back into her trap and I don't need that happening. It's time to let go and find someone who is willing to accept my flaws and my past and not judge me or throw it in my face. It's time to pursue Hathor.

I stood up and walked her to the door. She turned and faced me and gave me a quick kiss.

"I'm so sorry Christopher."

I just nodded my head as she went to her car. I closed my door and walked back into my room. I need to talk to somebody about this shit, but I don't trust a therapist. I don't want to talk to anyone from OHB about this cause they won't understand. I know who I want to talk to, but I don't know how she'd feel about knowing so much about me when we don't know much about each other. I know I can trust her and not have her judge me, but I don't think she'd take to kindly to my past and what I've been through if I fully explain. I really need to get this shit out so I'm just going to say 'fuck it'.

I pulled out my phone and clicked on Hathor's name.

Me: I don't know what you're doing right now but if you're not busy, would you mind droppin through?

She didn't text me back for a full ten minutes.

GoddessH: What for? I'm not some sort of booty call Christopher. Plus I'm out with Michael right now.

Of course she's with him. After their little lunch thing, Ty came over here talking about how good of a time they had and how she opened up a little bit to him. I was happy that he found a girl that made him happy, because Chy wasn't cutting it, but I'm mad because it's my girl making him happy. He hasn't even told her that he's a famous rapper yet, I know she isn't going to like that he left that huge part out when they met.

Me: I just want to talk and get a few things off my chest. I really need to talk to someone and you're the only one I know who won't judge me.

GoddessH: Alright fine, do you mind if Michael comes with me?

Do I mind? Do I mind? YES I FREAKIN MIND!

For the Road (A Tyga Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora