Chapter 8: Face to Face

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Brick: So!... You must be Midnight are you!?!?!
Midnight: oh! Smart you. You must be Brick!
Brick: Yeah! And what ever you do, don't hurt my brothers with your sneaky plans!😡
Midnight: oh really * laser eyes at brick*
Brick: woah! * dodge the laser attacks. Jumps and flip around an landed on the ground on his feet and do his pose
Top that!😈 bet you can't beat me on a fight like this. * blow raspberry*
Midnight: you fool! You think that all!?! This is only just the beginning.
Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Brick: * dark * you'll  bet!
Midnight: oh really?!? Your super powers can never defeat me! Fool!!
Brick: Stop Saying That!!!!!👿👿😡😡😤😤

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