(BOOK 3) Chapter 30 - Late night orgasm donor.

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‘’Are you going to pretend I don’t exist?’’ I questioned. He didn’t say a word.

‘’Omari!’’ Now he looked up.

‘’You don’t answer my calls and you expect me to answer you?’’ He snapped. Okay, so he had a point but I ignored it.

‘’Can you just close the window.’’ He kissed his teeth. I thought he had accepted defeat, but a few minutes later there was still a breeze and I was starting to shiver. He hadn’t closed it. I huffed and puffed all the way across the room and closed the window.

Just for that I was going to keep one of his watches.

His phone rang, he answered it turning his back. I dared it be another girl. I swear I would have taken something more than a watch.

‘’I’m on my way man, chill’’  he said to whoever on the phone. ‘’I’m at some girls house picking up my things.’’ Some girl? Okay, that hurt more than I wanted it to. He said bye to the person. He turned back around and met my glare. I really didn’t appreciate being called some girl. Did he forget that once he told me that I was the person he breathed for?

‘’Are we ever going to talk about this?’’ He cut eye contact, returning his attention to his phone ‘’Or are you going to pretend don’t exist.’’ I asked. I thought he was going to take the second option before he spoke.

‘’Can you hurry up.’’

‘’So you’re going to pretend I don’t exist?’’ I confirmed. He looked back up at me. For a split second I thought that he was actually going to talk to me.

‘’That jumper your wearing is mine too.’’ I rolled my eyes. Jesus knew how much I wanted to do that today to so many people.

‘’So you want me to take it off?’’ He didn’t reply.

‘’I have nothing under it, do you really want me to take it off Omari?’’ I threatened. I was only able to make this threat because I had gone to the gym today, and I had a very nice pair of underwear on. Hot pink lace.

I didn’t exactly want him to see it but do you know how amazing it feels to look good in front of your ex? Especially if your ex was cocky Omari. If he wanted to be childish I would be mature, I will be the very mature looking  one in nice underwear.

‘’Are you going to answer or pretend you're on your phone?’’ He didn’t answer me.

‘’If you wanna take it off. Take it off.  You like taking of your clothes anyway’’ I was gobsmacked. I took off the top, scrunched it up in my hand and threw it in his face. I hoped there were sweat patches and it hit his mouth.

‘’F_ck you.’’ He moved his hand and allowed his to fall onto the floor.

‘’F_ck me?’’ He questioned. I nodded. I sounded immature but honestly and truly, f_ck him and every single little thing he stands for.

‘’Oh really, f_ck me Aaliyah?’’ He questioned. Did I stutter? I’m sure it said it clearly and loudly. ‘’No, f_ck you Aaliyah.’’

I clapped for him. What an amazing comeback. ‘’you're so mature you know.’’ I shouted sarcastically. I was so calm and in a matter of seconds he had made me lose my temper. I must have looked like a class A idiot in shorts and bra shouting at Omari. What made me more anger was how clam he was.

‘’Okay, can you hurry up.’’

‘’No.’’ My brain thought about this. I was giving him back all of his things. Where were my belongings? My DVD’s and my books all of that. It wasn’t in his hands.

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