Chapter 16 "You're Taking the Next Week Off"

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Chapter 16

Ally P.O.V

I sighed, walking over to my normal lunch table. It was stuffed many new people I don't think I'd even spoken to before. I gulped and walk around, squeezing myself between Alison and Chris. Chris rubbed my hand for support and I felt a blush make its way onto my cheeks. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have these two.

"Hey, Al's." I looked up at Trever, and gave him a small smile, before looking back down to my lunch.

The people at our table chatted with their friends, as I listened quietly to the exchanges. I didn't feel lie talking today, it was hard enough being around so many strangers, but now the added weight of what Mason had done, made me paranoid of every guy at the table. How would I know who was a genuine, kind-hearted person and who was a monster, like Mason...

I took a shaky breath, and looked up at the others, before my mind ruined the faith I had in those close to me. Chris and Alison were looking at me worriedly and our table had gone silent, as everyone turned to face someone who had just entered the cafeteria.

I craned my neck up and saw Mason walking over to the group, a sinister grin on his lips. His face looked like it had been rearranged making me cringe. At least now his outsides matched his insides. Trever stood up from his seat and blocked Mason before he could make another step over to me.

"I suggest you back away, before I mess up the rest of you." Trever hissed lowly.

"What are you going to do? My face is already messed up, I got nothing to lose. Unlike you're friend over there." Mason laughed.

I felt myself go rigid, beside Chris and held my breath. Chris tugged my hand lightly and stood up from the table, giving Alison a look I didn't feel like registering at the moment. He led me away from the table and out of the back door the cafeteria had. I looked around the round cafeteria tables and averted my eyes from everyone's gaze. I never wanted to be the center of attention, but I couldn't stop them from looking at the newly broken girl.

"I'm taking you home and you are not coming back here for the next week. Alison and I will take care of you and we'll get everything settled. I want you to come back when you're ready; not to prove a point to Mason. It's alright to hurt Ally." Chris said softly, as he opened the back door of the Cafeteria and led me outside.

I nodded and looked down at our intertwine hands. Chris' hands were barely holding onto mind, seeming as if he was scared if he squeezed it I would break down. I tightened my grip on his hand and gave him a smile.

I'm so lucky to have him. I wish I'd realized sooner how amazing he was, maybe then we wouldn't be in this crazy mess.



It's short, but I couldn't not update for you all

I'm going to update all the stories, and I can't wait for you all to read them!

I should be getting ready for midnight though lol

Please do the usual






Goodbye everyone!

I hope you take this 2016 journey with me <3

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