Chapter 10

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I woke up and got out of bed. I can't say I was all that happy to, but Elizabeth and I were going shopping today so what can you do? I threw on the first thing I saw and ran downstairs.

"Hey Mandi, turns out news has already spread about 'Niabeth'," Louis said.

I rolled my eyes and turned on the tv.  Just as Louis had said, news had spread quickly. The tv showed a picture of the boys, me and Elizabeth. They had focused the picture on Niall and Elizabeth and were talking about how it was every girl's dream, everyone must be so jealous, the world has jut gotten a little more interesting for one fangirl.... that stuff

Just as I was about to call her, Elizabeth burst through the door.

"You have NO idea how crazy everyone's been about me and Niall," she said, "I've gotten texts and emails.... My phones practically exploding!"

"In a good way?" I asked.

"Mostly, yeah, but some people are a little harsh," she said, frowning slightly as he did.

"I can imagine," I said. Liam had told me all about the hate he gets. It ranged from hurtful to downright cruel.

"So, how about that shopping trip?" she asked.

"Let's go," I said. We walked out the door and into what I can only describe as chaos.

There were reporters and Directioners everywhere yelling and shouting. 

"Is it true?" one reporter asked, "Are you dating Niall Horan?"

"Mandi! How did you introduce the two?"

"How are you handling all the publicity?"

I pushed through all of them, Elizabeth trailing behind me. They followed us to the van and continued asking questions when we were inside.

"Roll down the window," I said.

Elizabeth looked at me, "What? Are you CRAZY?!"

"Roll down the window," I said again.

Elizabeth shook her head and did as I said. I leaned out the window and spoke, "We will neither confirm, nor deny any questions about the relationship between Niall and Elizabeth. Amy further questions will be answered at a later date. Good day."

Elizabeth rolled up the window, "Well, that was.... Formal."

I shrugged, "I'm very fame-smart."

"Okay then, do you think it will die down?" she asked.

"The publicity?" I asked, "A little. You'll still have cameras following you around when you're out with him and people everywhere will know your name, but it will get less hectic."

"That's a relief," she said, "I don't know how the boys handle it."

"I know," I said, "So where should we go today?"

We continued talking about shops we were going to visit and what we wanted to buy until we arrived.

Once again, we entered the chaos of the media and, once again, I had to get them to leave. We still had a few followers, but that didn't bother us. We entered shop after shop and each time someone recognized us. I tried to be as patient as I could, but it was easy to see who was having the easier time (Spoiler alert! Not me.)

In one store, a little girl and her mother stopped us.

"Excuse me. Do you know One Direction?" she asked.

"Yes, this is actually Liam's sister," Elizabeth said, pointing to me.

"Wow! Can you give this to them please?" the girl asked handing us a picture.

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