Chapter 2

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Penny was able to get ahold of Charlotte, and told her to stay the night with her friend. She could tell that Sheldon was uncomfortable, but he was trying his best to be comforting. He had made her a cup of tea, and offered her a blanket and an ice pack.

They were sitting on the couch next to each other when Sheldon broke the silence.

"Is this the first time?" he asked, knowing she would know what he was referring to.

"Yeah..." she said, her voice trailing off. "I mean, he's grabbed me before, and pushed me, but he's never hit me."

Sheldon nodded his head.

Penny looked around her finally, and took in the apartment. It was cozy. There were two desks with computers on them, bookshelves filled with books, and many comic book action figures littering the apartment. She also noticed the white boards.

"That's impressive," she said as she walked over to the board. Sheldon trailed behind her, watching to make sure she didn't bother the intricate work written on the board.

"So, you're like, one of those beautiful mind people, huh?" she said, grinning at him softly.

His eyebrows furrowed, and he nodded slightly. "I guess you could say that. This is my work on the Higgs Boson particle. It has yet to be discovered, however, I am planning a trip to the north pole next year to gather data."

Penny had no idea what he was talking about, but she let him ramble. He seemed passionate about his work.

He was beginning to explain the role of the Higgs Boson particle when there was a pounding on the door.

Penny knew it was Kurt. It had to be.

Sheldon went to open the door, but was stopped by Penny's hand on his arm. She shook her head, and went to answer it herself.

Kurt looked like hell. He looked like he had been crying, and the look of remorse on his face broke Penny's heart.

"I'm sorry, babe. Please come home. I don't know what got into me. I swear, I'll never do it again," Kurt pleaded, looking into her eyes.

She knew he was a master manipulator, but when he gave her that look, she always forgot.

Sheldon looked between his new friend and her husband, and felt uneasy. He had seen this before between his mother and father. They always said they would change, but never did.

And before his eyes, she had forgiven him, allowing him to pull her in his embrace. Before Penny left the apartment, though, Sheldon slipped her his phone number. He wanted her to be able to call if anything happened.


Sheldon knew it wasn't his place to tell Penny what to do with her life. He'd only known her for one day, after all. But he felt a kinship with the woman. He had, after all been abused by his father from a young age, until the man had dropped dead when Sheldon was 15 from a stroke.

He was worried for her wellbeing, but there was nothing he could do. He was just an outsider. And maybe her husband could be different—maybe it really was just a one time thing.

Even though he didn't know much about Penny, he felt oddly drawn to her, to make sure she was okay.

Looking around his apartment, he noticed that she left her cup of tea on the coffee table. He figured it was a good enough reason to check in.

Knock knock knock "Penny."

Knock knock knock "Penny."

Knock knock—

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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