Up and out.

16 2 2

"OW!" I scream waking up with Collette and Pepper on top of me.

"Sorryyyy..." Collette says sounding sleepy.

"Woof" Pepper adds.

"Where are we?" I say getting up and knocking Collette and Pepper onto the grass.

"I have no idea..." She replies.

Suddenly we hear Pepper bark and screams coming from his direction.

"C'mon!" I call to Collette.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" She calls back.

We look down a deep hole to see Sully getting attacked by blocky green Zombie!

"HELP ME!" He screams hardly able to let the words out.

"You hold my legs while I take him out." I say to Collette.

I bend down but Collette loses grip and we both fall in!

We see Sully fainting.

My whole life flashes infront of my eyes.

I see Pepper sitting up there, barking.

Suddenly the sun shines down and I see an amazing sight.

Luke, climbing down the mountain with a wooden sword in his hand. Hand crafted.

He jumps down and wipes out every single Zombie but one, it attacks him but he fights back stronger and slices the Zombie's head clean off!

Collette is kneeling down beside Sully, crying her little eyes out.

"Patrick, Patrick you can't. You can't die." She whispers into Sully's ear (Sully is his nickname)

                 *******Grace's POV*******

I wake up in a heap with True and Sara beside me.

"Uhhhh," Sara moans, pointing to a nearby tree.

"Wait Sara, there's something in that tree!" I shout.

I run over to the tree and start rustling the branches.

"WOAH OW OW OW *Bump* OW OW OOF OUCH." Kiarra shouts falling out of the tree.

"That's gonna hurt in the morning." She says.

"It is the morning." True points out.

"Well then.... OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!" Kiarra screams!

"A little help here!" A voice shouts from under a boulder.

Sara runs over and moves the boulder, revealing Izzy squished under it.

"Ow." She says.

We start walking around still wondering where we are and why everything is made of blocks.

"I think we should get some sleep." I say, nodding to Sara, True, Kiarra and Izzy.

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