A Letter In Latin [4]

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The letter was hand delivered and was anonymous. There was mere pseudonym of the single letter: K. It wasn't specifically a letter, but more of a memorandum wrapped in a riddle.

The replayed the words in my mind like a broken disc; Ludio ludius est pignus Parati es . Ludo umbras incognita . Agnus dei , carissime vos diligunt ausi ​​longius in antro lupus.

Sherlock too, was analyzing it with great thought. I didn't know who the culprit could possibly be.
But it didn't take a genius to know what it meant: death. And it will be coming. Soon.

"What game is this anonymous speaking of? Of shadows? A pawn, a player. Me and you. Wolf cave. Danger. What danger? Death.. Dearest love, little lamb...speaking of you...." Sherlock furrowed his eyebrows and scowled.

"The person who wrote this knows who I am. But how? I would certainly remember..." I frowned.

"I— I know it is one of my enemies. Whoever wants me dead would want you dead." Sherlock said coldly.

"Sherlock... What's wrong?" I asked worriedly, stroking his cheek.

He pushed me away. "Stop. Y/N. It's my fault for growing this... attached to you. Sentiment is a chemical defect on the losing side. It's a weakness that enemies use against you."

The first couple of months that I have known and worked with Sherlock, I have come to realize that I too have felt an attraction to him. Aside from his good looks, he was unfriendly, cocky, brusque and childish. But we connected both on an intellectual level and physical.

"You are the most intriguing person I have ever met, Y/N. I never thought there would be someone so much like me. You are my kryptonite." Sherlock admitted. His blue green eyes bore into my own E\C eyes.

Was it infatuation or perhaps love? I was never one to harbor such feelings and neither Sherlock but things happen.

For a few moments, We stood their in each others warm embrace without speaking. I realized that he smelled like Tobacco ash and coffee, and a hint of Earl Grey.

Sherlock coughed awkwardly. I couldn't help but start to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Sherlock exclaimed.

"Your too adorable, Sherlock." I was about to give him a kiss on the cheek when John came in.

"Ummm." John interjected.

"What John?! What now?" Sherlock snapped, clearly irritated.

Without thinking, I grabbed one of his curls and yanked on it, causing him to squirm in embarrassment.

John smirked and raised his eyebrows. "Was I interrupting anything?"

"No" Sherlock and I said in unison.

"Alrighty then..." John laughed still not convinced.

Next to John was stood a woman in her early forties. She has ashen blond hair and doe-eyed. "This is Mary Jane. She's a ER Nurse." John introduced.

Mary blushed as she gave us an unsteady handshake.

What a sweet couple. I thought to myself. John even seemed more pampered the usual. His clothes were ironed and shoes squeaky clean.

But on the fine tip of his collar shirt there was a lipstick stain. It was a pearly soft pink and Mary Jane was wearing the exact same tint.

I looked at Sherlock and he looked at me and we both laughed. He saw it too. Of course he did.

"Looks like you were busy yourself John." I whispered low, so that Mary couldn't hear. John turned bright red.

Playful taunting with T̷h̷e̷ H̷e̷d̷g̷e̷h̷o̷g̷ John was always fun. He was like an older, protective brother. And I liked seeing him blushing and nervous. Like that time he saw Sherlock shirtless. I didn't react of course. Sherlock only did that to test me and I passed it rather quite spectacularly.

Something was brewing. A war and a possible relationship? A peculiar combination.


Word count; 620

dun dun dunnn conflict bomb *grins wickedly* do ya'll know who it is?😉 and how do u like it? :-3

anyways comment and vote. I love to read the comments and listen to what u have 2 say

Sherlock and u are getting quite close *coughs loudly* ;)

letter translation:
a player, a pawn. are you ready to play the game of shadows unknown? Little lamb, dearest love you have ventured too far into the wolf cave.

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