' I ran to Niall's flat, Niall's! I'd only talked to him a couple times at that point, but he still let me even though it was nearly 1 in the morning. He didn't make me explain why I'd come to his flat, why I was crying, what was going on. None of that. He just gathered me his arms and wiped my tears and got Kleenex for me as I needed them and he was just so nice to me and he didn't even know me. When I saw you that next day I was so sick to my stomach. I didn't want to see you ever again at that point because you just acted like nothing had even happened. NOTHING! my whole world was falling apart!'

You stopped at that moment to catch your breath and wipe your tears. Your voice had gotten more and more emotional as you divulged all of this. Harry started to say your name but you stopped him before he could.

'let me finish, please.' you told him. He nodded and you continued on. 'Haz, do you want to know why I stayed with you for those months even after I'd seen you with Caroline that evening? I stayed with you because of something Niall said to me. He told me never let someone get the better of you, no matter how awful the thing they've done to you is. I took that to heart, I got my act together and I stuck with you even through everything I'd seen. I know we weren't joined at the hip or legal bound, but Harry you and me our relationship has always, always been different from anyone else's and you know that just as well as I do. We can't deny it, but I'm in love with another man and he's rightfully earned my love. He's our best friend Harry. I've told him everything you said that night after our movie day. I explained to him our secret relationship. He knows, It hurts me too much to hide stuff from him ,Haz because that's what REAL love does to a person. It makes them hurt when they hide stuff from the other person.'

You decided you'd ripped into Harry enough for one night so you found a bench seat and started to cry. You felt him sit down beside and start rubbing your back, knowing that was the only thing that could calm you down at a time like this.

'I remember, y/n. I remember every bit of it. It's been a long time, but there isn't a day I don't think about what we were, what we could have become. I know I shouldn't be say this as a groomsmen in your wedding, but I do still love you and I really did mean everything I said that night and when we wrote Don't Let Me Go together I couldn't imagine that we'd be over in such a short span of time after it. But I look at you and Niall and I see it. I see the reason why we ended. I can't, as much as I'd like to, deny that you two were meant for each other. He makes you happy, right?' He asked.

You glanced up at him and nodded your headed, chuckling a little bit. 'and I know for a fact you make him happy too. I've never seen a boy so giddy. He can't help but smile loads when he finds out that you're going to be in an interview with him. And here's something I bet he failed to mention to you. When he got back from asking your father for your hand in marriage I was the first person he came to see. He asked me if I approved of him asking you to marry him and he was beaming when I said I was okay with it. He started asking me how he should propose to you and when and all this other stuff. The only thing I told him was that you liked labradoodles and that he better get that ring on your finger quick or some other guy was going to steal you from him.

You could help but laugh at Harry. Here was a boy who'd once been madly in love with you got kicked to a back burner and still enjoyed being the best friend to you and your almost husband and gladly excepted the roll of groomsmen. So many times you yelled and screamed at him. You told him to get out of your life on multiple occasion, but he still remained to be there to rub your back to calm you down after it all and a part of you knew that he wouldn't be leaving your life anytime soon.

'thank you, Haz.' you said plainly to him. 'for what? giving bridezilla her first person to yell at on her wedding day.' he said, laughing as he did. 'yes of course for giving bridezilla someone to yell at. no just for always being there to talk to even at 2 o'clock in the morning.' you explained to him. 'no problem, but I have a question. How'd you manage to get into my hotel room?' he asked.

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