Chapter Forty Three

Começar do início

I nodded. I had called him to take me visit my dad and his 'new' family. "It's now or never"

"For the record you shouldn't be nervous. I'm positive your dad already likes you as for your step mother-"

"I'm not stressing out about her" I interrupted as we stopped on a red light. "I couldn't care less about her to be honest" okay, that sounded harsh but it was the plain truth.

"Then what is it?" Justin stepped on the gas when the light turned green.

"I don't know if you know this but I have two step brothers. It's them I'm worrying about." I stared out of the window. I was doubting myself. Maybe I'm not ready for this.

"Woah, you have two brothers? How did you-"

"Bruno called when I was on tour with you and told me" I shrugged, biting my lip as all sort of scenarios passed through my head. What if they don't like me? What if they don't want me to be their sister? Do I even want to be their sister? Do they even know about me? I don't think so, dad hasn't probably told them about me. They are too young to know.

Justin nodded, holding the steering wheel harder. "So..." he swallowed. "Bruno was in all this from the beginning huh?"

I turned to look at him. "He is a detective Justin. I was paying him for this" I explained.

"You should have told me from the beginning. I would have been there for you and – and" he run a hand through his soft silk almost blonde hair, frustrated.

"I –i... I had just met you back then, I couldn't just...tell you." I looked down. Maybe if I had told him none of all these would have happened, who knows?

"I know" he sighed. "And I was always talking about myself, my problems. Gosh, I was so selfish back then" his eyes darken. I could tell he was pissed with himself now.

"Justin." I smiled softly at him. "It was all my choice, you shouldn't blame yourself. Besides I helped you back then and now you are helping me so that makes us even"

He smirked at me, turning his eyes to lock them with mine. "We are not even yet" he winked.

I chuckled, my cheeks turning a creamy red as I looked away. He always has to ruin the moment.


"Just knock on the door already" Justin hissed, as he was standing next to me, both of us standing in front of my dad's house door.

I took a deep breath before shaking my head. "No. I can't" I quickly turned around and was about to start walking away when Justin's arm wrapped around my waist and stopped me.

"Stop being a kid and face this. It's now or never, remember?" his eyes were burning in mine. Butterflies formed in my stomach just by his touch. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and nodded.

I raised my hand about to knock on the door when I felt Justin's warm big hand slowly getting a hold of my other hand and squeezing it slightly. "I'm here" he whispered comforting at me. I squeezed his hand back as I smiled. "I know" and before I knew it I found myself knocking on the door twice.

The door opened after a couple of minutes, revealing my dad. He was wearing a plain red t-shirt with some dark blue jeans. He looked casual dressed, I mean it was Sunday and he wasn't working.

"H-hey" I managed to stuttered, my eyes never leaving his.

He smiled big at me, his eyes sparkling. "Aye Lucy" he slowly traveled his eyes up to meet Justin.

"Hello sir" Justin said awkwardly. I squeezed his hand, letting him know I was here and he shouldn't be afraid. "I'm Justin" he built up the confidence and extended his hand for my dad to shake.

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