Chapter 2: Accruing the Adventurers

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Slashingclaw emerged last from the tunnel. He stared at his littermate's tail as she maneuvered her way through the ferns of SandClan territory, and eventually brambles, as the group of felines crossed the border into OakClan territory. Slashingclaw wrinkled his nose at the smell. 
The last time he was this deep in OakClan territory, SandClan was searching for their lost apprentices.
But the last time he smelled OakClan stench this thick was while training in the Darkforest. He still quite hasn't gotten used to the smell.

About his activities in the Darkforest, Slashingclaw was guilty. He did not even tell his littermate about his dark actions. He feared that if he did, she would disown him.
Without Brackenshade, he might as well be nothing. He already barely belonged in SandClan, and warriors of the Darkforest knew that. Those bleak warriors used it against him.
He was just glad that on this journey, he could escape him.

Goldberry did an exceptional job hiding Slashingclaw's scars but it wasn't enough. Scars still burned in his mind, memories of having to fight, and being manipulated by Darkforest warriors and his own paranoia. 
Am I good enough?

Suddenly Frostbone huffed, "Coalspots should be meeting us at the border."

"How would you know?" Brackenshade snorted.

The deputy didn't answer. Finally, she mewed, "... and he should be able to lend us a cat. Surely, like in VenomClan, there are some cats that don't support OakClan's alliance with VenomClan." Her dark head nodded to Sootleaf who nodded back. The deputy then vanished in the brambles, leaving Sootleaf to sit and groom with an unfitting casual air.

Slashingclaw awkwardly watched him and fell onto his haunches, while his littermate beside him paced with anxiety.


This camp was calm. Tall trees raked the sky gently, and stars winked back down at verdant leaves. It was dark and calm. 
A ginger-red she-cat lie asleep on a branch, her body tilting to the side. She was not used to sleeping on branches, but she was persistent. She wanted to fit in with the BirdClanners she now associated with, for a short time. 
Her body was slipping, slipping, and she gasped. Her green eyes burst open and her claws flashed silver, grabbing onto the bark to secure herself.

Shaking and anxious, the SandClan warrior descended from the tree, regretting her decision to try and fit in with BirdClan customs. She slid down the second half of the way and was joyous to feel soft grass on her paw pads.

Firesong looked up at the sky. The moon shone bright and was nearly at its half. Memories returned of Fastclaw saying that StarClan no longer had any connection with the Clans, and Sunspots and Goldberry confirming it true.
Firesong sighed and studied the stars. They were bright, and looked ready to fall right out of the sky.

The red she-cat lumbered over to where other SandClanners slept and plopped down on her once-abandoned moss. 
She had to admit she could not fall asleep. She kept hearing noises that weren't typical in BirdClan camp. Observing the trees Firesong found an owl. That was probably the source of the noise. The owl with its gleaming eyes and its turning neck and suddenly it took off in flight in search for a mouse.

So Firesong rested her head on her paws. She was almost asleep when suddenly she did hear rustling, much louder this time, and witnessed five cats emerge from the brush as if they belonged in the camp- they didn't.

A screech and a chirp sounded from above Firesong's head and before she knew it, the camp was awake. Of course! She remembered now. BirdClanners always had a guard.
Warriors began to drop from the tree above her, careful not to tread on the now-very-alert SandClanners that dodged them, and rushed towards the intruders with great, threatening snarls. 
Even the apprentices joined in, streaming from their nests and bristling their tails.

Firesong saw Featherstar emerge from her underground den. Her brilliant grey coat was well groomed. She leapt onto her stone in a single bound and yowled, letting her warriors quiet down, "State yourselves!" she directed her powerful voice to the five intruders. "If you are here to battle us, I'm afraid your numbers fall a bit short," and she uttered an uncharacteristic chuckle that painted her as cruel.

They let the patrol of warriors gather before her. The warriors stared behind their shoulders at the intimidating BirdClan warriors behind them and folded their ears- surely, these intruders were no real threat.
Firesong thought she recognized them, but too many BirdClan warriors were blocking her view.

"Let me explain-" a familiar voice began.
This intruder had the nerve to demand Featherstar for two warriors, based off of nothing but a dream!

"StarClan can't even send dreams anymore," Swiftfoot muttered from beside Firesong. Sandstripe nodded and lashed her tail, "Isn't that medicine cat from VenomClan? He's playing Featherstar for a fool!"

"Frostbone is here!" Stormtail hissed. "We can't possibly trust her, can we? VenomClan's deputy? Featherstar would be a bug-brain to believe them."

"No, she should," a warrior whispered. Firesong turned to see Cloudfeather, the newly made warrior stood alongside Juniperflower. Juniperflower's eyes were pleading as she stood alongside her littermate. "Bigstar believed them, and so do I. I mean- Brackenshade and Slashingclaw joined them for StarClan's sake! Brackenshade's no mouse-brain. And neither is our leader."

Stormtail dug his claws into the earth, "I can't believe this. They're going to die. They're literally going to-"
But Featherstar was heard mewing, "Two cats? Fine. Who wants to go on this journey to retrieve our ancestors?"

Firesong blinked in confusion and she even heard two voices from the crowd volunteer to go! They must be brazen mouse-brains to-

Woodknot? Ashblizzard?
"I will gladly go," Woodknot mewed, stepping forward.
"Me too! I will come." Ashblizzard chimed.


"Won't you need two cats from VenomClan, then?" Woodknot asked testily.

Frostbone muttered, "That's what we're doing now." They were all pushing through the tunnels, letting Woodknot and Ashblizzard lead them through, since they were both experts and the creators of the tunnels.
Frostbone wondered why in this particular part of the tunnels, those two toms couldn't expend more effort. She had to crawl on her belly and she swore the top was going to cave in and that would be the end of her. But the roof raised and the two BirdClan toms were leading everyone to their ascension. 

Frostbone was greeted with darkness, but her eyes were used to it. She could see the grey outlines of the Tangled Willow surrounding her like a cage. Frostbone pushed her head through the branches, searching the Warrior's den for two special VenomClan warriors that were ready to finally prove their worth in the eyes of StarClan.


The group of warriors stood in the hot canyons. Their team was finally built, and not even Wolfstar that Frostbone was behind everything- nor did he know she was responsible for losing the crystal shards, for that matter.
Dogheart and Bloodfang were excited to leave VenomClan for a while, but were afraid to someday return. They did not despise Wolfstar like one would think, because to despise him would be to jeopardize their own lives. They merely feared him, and no longer wanted him leading VenomClan.

Ashblizzard noticed Frostbone announcing Whitedust the leader of the party. He frowned, his green eyes skeptical. Why would Whitedust, a young warrior, lead the group? Why not himself and Woodknot, or Frostbone herself?
Was she not coming?

Frostbone looked back to the group, "Well? Everyone listen to Whitedust, and remember what Sootleaf said: Follow the moon. Follow the moon, that's all. Simple, right?" she was stammering.

Woodknot burst, "Aren't you coming, Frostbone? Or are you going to hide behind Wolfstar?" he hissed, "Or are you going to tell him where we are, and let him hunt us down like we're prey? Is this a game-"

Sootleaf silenced him with a swish of his tail, "There are no games here. Frostbone cannot come. She needs to keep Wolfstar in check-"
Eyes roll.
"Listen to Whitedust-"
Woodknot looked testy.
"Or whoever you want as leader!" Sootleaf hissed. "Choose the eldest warrior, it does not matter. My dreams told me that this journey will be a success, so long as you follow the moon. Just follow the moon and the rest will come to you."

Sandclan's Destiny Book 4: Shatters of the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now