What really happened

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Okay do before I start what really happened, I'm really bored so I'm just gonna do it now. Also thanks for all the support! Also the nightmare that I had may not sound scary, but it does sound like if it had a lot of action.

You guys might be laughing, but it's not funny when you dream it . /.\ everyone has had those dreams. Oh and one more thing before I start the dream, the puppets that I am scared of are called "ventriloquist puppets." Google it.

They are creepy!! >.<

Okay so here's what really happened:

I was with my brother. Lets just call him Alex. (Not his name.) We were told to babysit a little kid. So I went over to the old lady's house. Lets call her Mary. So then when I came in, I couldn't find her. I assumed that she left, and she left the door open for me.

The house was quiet so me and my brother came inside the house. I was trying to find the control, as soon as a found it in the corner I found a ventriloquist puppet.

So I gasped once I saw it.

"What happened crystal?" Alex asked. He approached me to see what scared me. "Oh snap." Alex said.

"I am afraid of puppets. They creep me out!" I told him.

Then out of know where the puppets eyes moved, and it launched its self at my brothers neck.

"Beat him up!" I yelled.

My brother tossed the puppet to the ground.

"Call the cops!" He yelled.

I called the cops and I ran home crying with my brother.

And I told my mom everything that happened to us, and after I heard the sirens that's when I woke up.

After that I didn't know what happened to the puppet. But it did give me a big influence on writing a story about it.

But notice how my dream and my story have similar characters. I just changed the characters up. :)

Hope you like this mini chapter.

Puppet masterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt