Chapter 2

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~Alyssa POV~
The strong scent of my cigarette fills the air around me as I breathe in the chemicals. My mother isn't home, neither is Phil, thank goodness. He would be up my ass the whole day. I'm outside in our frontyard, swinging back and forth on the old wooden swingset. I've came to like this house, a lot, the past couple days. It's fascinating. I'm listening to my iPod while another song starts. When I look up I see Tate walking up to me. 'Hi.' He says as he sits down on the empty swing next to the one I'm in. I get the earplugs out of my ears and drop the iPod in the grass, giving Tate my brightest smile. I've been unable to get him out of my head since that day he stood in my room. He smiles back.
'Hey.' I say. His eyes slide down to the cigarette between my fingers. He pouts his lips and pauses for a split second before saying: 'Got one for me?' I take another cigarette out of the pack and pretend I give it to him, when he reaches out to take it, I put it in between my lips. He lets out a laugh, a very lovely sound in my ears. 'You enjoy teasing me, don't you?'
I laugh as he takes the cigarette from in between my lips, his fingers brushing against my lips as he does. Tate looks me right in the eyes, separating his lips for a split second. He leaves me breathless. While lighting the cigarette, looking at me, leaving it between his lips. I'm trying to to, but I just can't take my eyes of that gorgeous face. I observate his every move he makes when he takes the cigarette between his fingers as he inhalates the smoke. My eyes get glued at his lips as he breathes out. I don't know what he does to me. When I'm with Tate he makes me feel safe, understood. He makes me feel less of a freak. I don't know what this feeling exactly is, I've never felt this way before. 'I still need to do some work around here.' I tell him, as a subtle hint for him to leave. It doesn't look like he is planning on leaving. He looks up at me with a glance in his eyes I've never seen before, it looks a lot like despair. 'Do you mind if I stay around for a while?' he asks.
'Uhm, sure.' I say, a little bit confused. But hey, he sees Phil for a reason, of course. I smile at him as I walk inside.

~Tate POV~

That wasn't the smartest move I ever made. Leaving a guy who is practically a stranger in your frontyard because he doesn't wants to leave, I bet I creeped her out. Shit, that is exactly what I was NOT trying to do. I have this feeling about her. This feeling that she might fully understand me, understand it. This feeling she gives me is all I've been looking for. I need to win her trust. I already felt it the first second I met her. When I was standing at her bed, I didn't mean for her to see me. I was pretty sure she could'nt. And yet she saw me. I want to tell her everything so badly. But it's way too early for that. A part of me wanted to tell her why I could'nt leave, but then there were only two options left; 1) she would be freaked out and tell me she never wants to see me again, 2) She was gonna ask me why I could'nt and I can't lie to a girl so beautiful and hurted and vulnerable and breakable -if she isn't already broken. I mean, what was I supposed to tell her? "Hi, I'm Tate, I'm dead. I set my mom's boyfriend on fire, and shot 15 kids at Westfield High in 1994. Then the cops shot me here in your house, in your room to be exactly. So now I'm a ghost who got stuck in this cursed house and I look and feel like I'm eightteen, but in reality I should've been 40 years old by now. Also you are all I have been thinking about lately and I would love to fuck the living shit out of you. You cool with that, right?"
No, I don't think so. I dump the cigarette in the grass and go back inside. Assuming She's upstairs, I go to her room, making absolutely dure she can't see me. Alyssa sits crosslegged on the floor, having a razor blade in her hand as tears fall down her face. Please don't please don't,... I repeat the words in my head. She pushes the razor through her skin and I close my eyes, not allowing myself to see it. Blood drips down from her wrist onto the floor. I'm trying to figure out why on earth she would do that. When she makes another cut I feel disgusted by myself, I shouldn't be watching this girl in one of her most vulnerable moments. I go down to the basement, where most of the other ones stay. Thank God they all know me by now and they know I'd rather be left alone. I sit down in the rocking chair in the corner of the basement. Most of them stay away from me as far as they can, since I killed most of the ones who are trapped here. I just stare at my hands. I want Alyssa with me. I don't want her to feel like this. She doesn't deserve this. For whatever reason my twisted mind wants her to cut too deep, so she will end up here with me. So I could eplain her everything without having her thinking I lied to her. I feel a presence next to me. I don't have to look to know it's Violet. I remember blocking her out after she told me to go away. But now I really don't care anymore. She's now dating this guy I sliced apart here a few weeks ago. He was an asshole and I didn't wanted him to own this house. 'Are you gonna tell her?' Violet asks. I shrug. She keeps talking. 'I think you should.'
'Mind your own business, Violet.' I grind. She sighs while leaning back against the wall. 'Tate, I wanna help you.'
'Why would YOU want to help me?'
'Because I can see the way you look at her, think of her. You never looked at me like that. Ever. And she looks at you the exact same way. Can't you feel it Tate? She's the one we have been waiting for! She could help us!'
I sigh. 'She barely knows me. How am I supposed to tell her? Where do I begin?'
Violet turns around to face me. I look at her and she smiles. 'Become her friend. The best friend she never had. You can show her things, build it up slowly, build trust.' She advices. That could work. 'What about the others?' I ask, glancing at them for a second. Violet became a full member of them. I refuse to.
'I will take care of that, I promise.'
'Why?' I ask her, not sure if I can trust her.
'Why are you doing this for me?'
'Because you deserve someone who loves you 'til eternity.'she walks away, to the others. I stand up and go to her room, it's kind of late. Alyssa is sleeping. She looks so beautiful, so peaceful. Safe. I want to keep her safe. She's my "hold-on-to". Everything I have now. Everything I want now. I sit down in her blue-painted wooden chair at her desk while looking at her. I can't lose this one. I won't. Violet ks right, I need to tell her. This is her. I can feel the aura all over the place, I know the others do too. She is the special one. I need to tell her. She deserves to know the truth. I want to make her a part of this. A part of me.

The Special One (A Tate Langdon Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن