Neighbours, Dinner and Hectic Mornings

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This chapter has not been proof-read so I apologise well before hand for any spelling mistakes and errors found. :)

After putting away the last book, I turn around and look at my new room. The far end of my room, where the end of my bed was facing, had a long window with a small balcony. Back home the windows where tiny. Over here, they were, well massive. Looking through the lavender drapes that were attached to the top of the window, I could see a room. From where I was standing you could tell it was a boy's room. 

Oh God! Let's just hope it's not that annoying guy from earlier on who stays in that room. Looking around the room, I smile at my interior skills, not bad. Turning around. I walk out the door, closing it behind me. 

Dad and Alec are out "exploring the city" well that's what they said but to me it sounded more of the case of "Going to the nearest KFC and won't be back till late so order a pizza." I now to a lot of people that just sounds unfair, but honestly dad and Alec hardly get any bonding time cause of *cough* me. So they deserve it. Running down the stairs I grab my phone from the cupboard in the hallway and look up some pizza places.


I was currently watching an old episode of Pretty Little Liars when I heard the doorbell. I was about to shout to Alec to open the door, when I remembered him and dad were out. Urgh, tough choice to make here, continue watching the show and whoever it is will leave or go answer the door because it's pizza? 'Answer it!' Screamed my conscience, standing up I head to the door and open it. Wait this ain't the pizza guy.

"Hi, my name's Jason Walker and I live next door. My erm... mum was asking if your family would like to join us for dinner? I choked back a laugh, the poor boy was clearly embarrassed and looked like he was forced to come here. Wanting to avoid making him more awkward I extended my hand forward.

"Hi Jason, my name is Lucy and thanks for the invite but my dad is out and I'm the only one home so I'm basically house sitting," I said smiling for the fact that a) that the atmosphere around us no longer seemed awkward and b) he accepted my handshake, saving both of us from further awkwardness. "I would love to join you guys, but maybe next time seeing as the pizza guy should be here any minute" Looking past his shoulder I was right.

"I love your accent." I turn my head back to Jason, his face turned all red and he began to stammer. "I-I meant because you know, y-you're not from here a-and so your voice sounds different. But then again anyone who isn't from like here, has a different accent. I-I mean it's not like you aren't well like um....." I couldn't stop myself from laughing this was just too cute and funny.

"Hey, it's okay and thanks. I like your accent too." 'oh no, did I say something wrong?' He looked so red. I heard him mumble something but it was too faint to hear, although I'm pretty sure it sounded something among the lines of I don't have an accent. And the awkwardness has returned again.


"Yeah bye." I watched as Jason turned to leave, shaking my head whilst laughing lightly. This boy.


After gobbling up the last slice of pizza- which in an extra large pizza is usually the twelfth or sixteenth slice, dad and Alec came home.

"You finished all the pizza?!" Alec screeched. Honestly by the way he behaves you would assume he's actually a girl. Looking at him confused I answered.

"Um yeah, I was hungry and you" I shot him an evil look, "and dad were busy stuffing your faces with KFC that you forgot all about me." By the look of his face, I won the argument.

"Actually, it was McDonalds, not KFC." Alec huffed out. Spinning on his foot, Alec left the room. Dad and I looked at each other, before bursting out into laughter.

"That brother of yours..." Dad said shaking his head. He lifted his hand to his head, his index finger slowly circling turning circles at the side of his head. Again both of us burst out laughing. After sobering up from our laughter, I remembered Jason's invitation.

"Ooh dad, our neighbour invited us to dinner." Dad raised one of his eyebrows up, a wary look on his face. 

"That quick?" and so the explanation began.

"Yeah, but I told them that you and Alec were out and he said that it's an open invitation, so we can come like whenever." I ended it with a smile. Dad just shrugged his shoulders and sat next to me, moaning at what was on TV.

"Oh come on! If you are clearly uninvited to a birthday party, don't gatecrash with the police!" What can I say, my dad is by far the biggest fanboy, especially with Pretty Little Liars.


The rest of the night dad and I finished watching the latest season of Pretty Little Liars. Alec spent the entire night in his room, stalking god knows who on instagram. Alec was weird like that. At school he was what you would think of as a normal football kind of guy. But at home, oh God! Worse than dad when it comes to fanboying. I remember taking him to see The Fault In Our Stars and he cried more than any other person in the cinema room and when he came home he practically mourned Gus's death and when I even bothered to ask what was wrong, he just said that I wouldn't understand and slammed the his bedroom door in my face.

Groggily picking myself up from the sofa, I headed towards the bathroom. Nothing wakes you up better than a shower, I think. Turing the shower on, I held my hand into the shower waiting for the water to turn warm. After waiting for what felt like 10 minutes, I realised that all the hot water was gone. Oh Alec is a dead boy, sratch that fanboy, walking.

"Alec!" I screamed from the bathroom, rushing in, it took him a moment to realise why I was screaming. He began to stutter as he came up with an excuse, I was never going to believe.

"Oh- er... erm... you see sis, thehotwaterwasreallyamazingandIcouldn'tstopstandingthere." I stood there dazed, what the hell did he just say? "Bye!" I napped out and realised the little rat ran away. I let out a frustrated sigh. Looks like I have no choice. Oh the joy of cold showers.

After finishing with my shower, I headed to my room and deciding upon what to wear. Seeing at it was my first day at a new school, I decided to keep it simple, yet classy. A simple denim motto jacket with a floral print dress. Leaving my hair down, I glanced at the clock. Shoot! 8:15am, I had 15 minutes to have breakfast and reach school on time. Throwing on my ankle boots, I ran down the stairs, past Alec, grabbing a muffin and running out the door. Stopping at the front of the house, I smacked my forehead, how could I forget my bag?! Running back into the house and up to my room, I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. Looking down at my watch, I was that I had 10 minutes left. Running towards the bus-stop, I saw the bus, getting ready to leave the stop. Breaking into a sprint, I ran as fast I could to the bus, wailing my arms above my head, looking like a complete lunatic. I screamed in frustration as the bus began to leave. Fudges-sticks! I missed the bus and now had to walk an extra 20 minutes to reach the school. What a great way to start at a new school. Being late. Pursing my lips, i huffed in annoyance before starting to walk to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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