1.1 - I Am

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Where do I begin?

Where do I end?

In a world where there is no start or finish, stars to mimic, no such thing as winning.

Born to fail but created for greatness.

What is life, if not the search for happiness?

True bliss, magnificence, the essence of innocence?

But that doesn't define me.

For I am existence without substance,
a wasted effort, not at all redundant.

I am
the X in every equation, the victim of persuasion.

The verb in every action, seeker of satisfaction.

I am the ghost of gods long past, the spirit of a rhythm.

Made to endure, bred to last.

I speak not just for me, but a dynasty, a superpower.

The suns of shadows, as silent as arrows, and deathly as hallows.

Cursed to live a life determined by words on papers, numbers and scores
written by haters.

What are they but slaves to a system absolute, with no mercy or the taste for truth.

They dare to leave a legacy of hate and conspiracy.

They dare to ruin us, the greatest generation.

They use words like 'degrees' and 'doctorates' to make us believe we are free and have options.

The truth is, Egypt is a metaphor of the lies we live today.

The illusion of hope and the hope for success.

The reality is, we are nothing more than excess.

We help others make millions and billions, what do we get in return?
We are nothing but minions.

I am
nothing more than a story teller.
I am
a citizen of earth and refuse to comply to the norms of society, a word so often mistaken for slavery.

I am
nothing less than humble, nothing more than gracious.
I am
the voice
that will one day save us.

Edge Of All That Is Known Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ