Percy jackson surviving high school

Start from the beginning

Thalia was probably doing target practice, that or sleeping.

I made my way back to the stable and went into the secrete stall for pegasi. Making sure they where ok I went to meet the normal horses, they where all very polite unlike Arion who was with the Pegasi.

I left about thirty minutes later, heading to the garage. There sat my favorite car, a black spider. I excitedly hopped in, their where a ton of cars, the garage was huge and I knew that Leo was gonna have a great time.

Annebeth joined me and each of us that had one drove with their girlfriends. We drove in a line and parked next to each other. We would be going to Goode, so in English Paul would translate it into ancient Greek to make it easier.

We walked down the halls to be met with many points and stares, "Wow the guys are hot",'Those girls are smoking!", and "Do you think they all know Each other?"

Caused all of us guys to grab our girlfriends hands and glare at all the guys "All the babes are taken?", "Damn!" we heard now.

Then we found our prey "Rachel!" we all crooned and lept at our unsuspecting oracle "How does she know them!", and "They're friends with Dare?" was hear through the hall.

Rachel smiled "Guys what are you all doing here?" Leo sniffed acting offended "Why to get a proper education of course!" Rachel laughed.

"You guys, excluding Percy, Piper, And Possibly Leo, have never gone to a day of school in your life!" we where getting weird looks now and Annabeth face palmed "We are speaking in greek" we all cracked up "Haha whoops." we all said together.

We compared time tables, we all had Greek mythology together! And ancient Greek, all the boys had gym together same with the girls. I had English with Thalia, Math with Annebeth, Lit with Travis and Connor, and my first class, science, with nobody.

I walked Annebeth to her class before sitting down in science, then the teacher walked in "Hello class, we have a new student today,please introduce yourself" I shrugged an ok

"My name is Percy Jackson, I love The sea, I speak in ancient greek, live with my friends, Have a dog named Mrs. O'leary, and have a girlfriend named Annabeth" I said trying to think if there was anything else to say " I love to swim, and I'm going out for The team," I then sat down.

"Greek, really? That's a tough language, can you say something for me?" she asked not convinced so I said in perfect accent "Does anyone here know how to speak greek?" I asked, no one raised there hand, I then went on about the fine art of sword fighting.

The teacher stopped me at about five minutes amazed "how long have you been speaking greek? Was it your first language?" I smiled "No, I'm a pure new Yorker, I learned it when I was twelve." The Teacher looked shocked. "It only to took me three weeks to get it down" that was a lie, it had taken me three minutes.

She was back to doubting "you can ask any of the transfers, they all learned it before I did I think" This was getting boring, but I knew if I was the guy that asked to learn I would get a bad rep.

"Anything else you would like to share?" I thought "I Have ADHD and dsylexia, I was living with my mom, oh and its possible you might have seen something about me blowing stuff up on T.V, and running half way across the country" I chuckled and everyone looked shocked.

Then a voice popped up" I remember that, you and your mom where kidnapped and you and two other kids got free and went to save her, you did some petty impressive shit along the way" I turned back to see a girl with long brown hair, green eyes, and a slim figure sitting behind me.

She was pretty but not as pretty as Annebeth "That'd be me, It was a long time ago actually, I've been through a whole lot worse" I muttered the last part but I think she might have heard me.

Then the bell rang and I ran out of the room to go to to English with Thalia, "Thalia!" I screamed running up and high fiveing her. "Sup kelp head?" I smirked "Not much Pinecone face!" She groweled and I snickered.

We were getting weird stares again. Whoops. "Sorry" I said making sure to translate into English, then Paul walked in "Hello class! My name is Mr. Bloffis, and I will be your English teacher, however I do have text books in ancient greek if any one would like a crack at that," there where scoffs and who would do that's?

Me and Thalia fist pumped 'Thank you P- Mr. Bloffis" we shouted and he chuckled "No problem" every one was looking at us weird, again.

I smirked "Not all of us like to speak English" I said. purposefully in Greek, Thalia laughed and we slapped five again "Percy" Paul said in a warning tone "I swear to gods I didn't say any swears, or insults"  he just shook his head. Yup, today was gonna be interesting.


Hello My little Dancing Ninjas! today I Have decided to start yet another story! hahaha hope you like it!

Percy jackson surviving high schoolWhere stories live. Discover now