Chapter 2~And Let the Journey Begin

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 I felt a sharp jab to my stomach and my eyes shot open. Burger boy’s elbow had smashed into my rib cage while turning and was now facing me. I inhaled once but immediately pinched my nose closed, protecting it from the vile stench wafting from his mouth. What did he have earlier? A supersized order of onion rings? Trying to save whatever was left of my lungs, I turned my head to the other side so I could breathe relatively clean air. Cat Lady’s pungent perfume was exceedingly better than onion breath in my face.

A movement from the front of the plane caught my attention and I realized it was the flight attendant. She sauntered down the aisle with her hands clasped in front of her, as if she were a principle inspecting her students. Her thin glasses were slipping down her long nose so she delicately shoved them up again. Once or twice she stopped to tell some kid to put away his video game or buckle their seat belt.

I glanced down to my lap to make sure I wouldn’t be scolded if my belt was unlatched. Thank goodness it was tightly secured around my waist. My eyes met hers and I gave a weak smile. She was like a modern woman version of Dracula; too scary for my liking.

My throat was dry and I continued to fidget with my lowest button; biting my lip. I was fine once we were in the air, but taking off and landing made my stomach hold auditions for acrobats.

The jolt of the wheels touching ground woke up my two favorite traveling companions. A loud Oof came from the knitting queen and a pig like noise escaped onion breath’s nose. Holding back a laugh was difficult, but I managed it. I hastily pulled my satchel over my head, however, since we were sitting in the back by the toilets; it was going to take a long time for us to leave.

I drummed a beat in my head on the arm rest, ignoring the annoyed looks from Cat Lady. Antsy was an understatement. Four hours in between these two was driving me berserk. I have to get off of this plane!

Each moment was like an hour, but the row in front of us finally stood up, so we did too. Burger Boy’s stomach almost knocked me off my feet though. I regained my balance and we all shuffled down the skinny aisle; it’s a miracle he even made it to the front.

My favorite part of this entire ordeal so far is walking through that small tunnel connecting you from the plane to the airport. Having my feet on the ground was always preferred.

We all walked out as a group and my eyes wandered everywhere. One would think Boston would be different, but it really wasn’t. There were places to sit while waiting, little restaurants and cafés, and the overall terminal.

My stomach grumbled loudly and I knew it was time to feed it something. I made my way over to the McDonalds stand and ordered some breakfast for my poor tummy. I hadn’t eaten anything today so this tasted like heaven. Unfortunately I only had another twenty minutes to get myself over to the other part of the airport. Gulping down the rest of my water, I threw my trash out and headed over to the bathrooms, it was going to be a long five ours if I didn’t go.

I glanced at the thin watch on my wrist and wiped my hands off on a paper towel. Fifteen minutes. I had fifteen minutes to get my butt over to flight C. I nearly knocked a little girl over while shoving my way out of the bathroom, but I caught her and apologized quickly before she could cry and darted out, running down the terminal. Why go on the walking treadmills when you can walk faster?

Panting, I finally made it to my next flight. Curse my weak bladder. My lungs felt like they were burning, but I walked to the back of the plane nonetheless, this time getting the window seat. I was nearly breaking a sweat. If I didn’t have to put my perfume in a baggy inside of my suitcase I would spray myself right now. Ew. Pulling out a book from my satchel, I began to fan myself. Was it just me or was it hot in here?


Four hours and seven chapters into the flight I found out three things. One, instead of a clinically obese man there was a creepy stalker guy who kept looking at me through his orange tinted sunglasses. Two, instead of a deranged cat lady there was another man, only this time he was so skinny I thought his pants would fall down on him. And three, I should have brought a more interesting book. Fiction really wasn’t my thing.

There’s also always one positive and one negative thing about sitting in the window seat. The positive is that you have a place to put your head so you can sleep easier, but the negative is that it’s mega awkward when you have to go to the bathroom. Climbing over two creepy men wasn’t exactly my ideal situation. But the book certainly wasn’t distracting me from the fact my bladder was about to explode. Sighing I closed the piece of fiction and began to plot my getaway.

Should I make them both get up so I can go? Or should I just squeeze myself through the small gap? I wouldn’t have a problem with the second one, but I didn’t want creeper to get a good look at my ahem. Decisions decisions…I suppose I could say “Excuse me”and squeeze through, but the less confrontation with them is the best.


Oh what the heck.

Getting out of my seat I made two very rude shoves and quickly, borderline running, made my way to the bathroom. I shouldn’t have chugged that entire cup of water…


I peeked my head out of the door, and trying to keep as much dignity as I possibly could, sauntered back to my seat. This time the creep got out of his and into the aisle to make it easier for me. Hm…Maybe I misjudged him.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him eyeing me up. Nope. Definitely didn’t misjudge him. But I mean hey, we’re on an airplane; he can’t do anything. A small smile pulled my lips upwards and I looked out the window. How much longer did I have until I got to London? My eyes darted to my watch again and I realized we only had another hour. Maybe the other half of my battery would come in handy now.

My hand reached into my Indiana Jones bag and pulled out the mp3 player I longed for. Shoving the head phones into my ears, I turned the volume up. No strange cat lady to worry about.


Someone nudged me and I cracked open my eye, seeing the face of the skinny man. Moving my gaze upwards I saw the flight attendant for this plane with a small smile on her face. She moved her hands in a motion of pulling something out of her ears and I followed suite.

“Sorry, but you have to put that away now.” Another small smile lit up her face and I did as she said, not wanting to get in trouble.

She continued on her way and I sat up, concentrating my eyes so they dilate to the dimness. What time is it? Why is it so dark?

I checked my watch for the final time and it read 2:31. So why is it so dark? The three of us got out of our seats and made our way to the front. Slightly disoriented, I walked down the tunnel again with my satchel around my shoulder. Who was supposed to pick me up? Mr. or Mrs. Holmes? Curse my bad memory. Something dawned on me. Was there even a Mr. Holmes? Come to think of it, I don’t really know much about the family. Just that there’s three kids.

To be honest most of my time went towards finals for my Junior year and researching the UK. From what I saw on Google Images it’s gorgeous! But I suppose I’ll find that out for myself first hand.

I walked down the terminal to where people were picking up the passengers. Some knew each other while there were some who had signs. One read Ms Pickles. Who would want Pickles as their last name? Poor girl. A smile spread across my face at some of the ridiculously spelt ones. Chris Schanopoliski, Maddie Melantama, Lauren Retinbrusinski. Who were these people?

I quickly glanced around. Maybe someone had my name on a sign…

Five minutes passed. Then Ten. Then Fifteen. Did I miss them? Am I supposed to know what they look like? My attention went from the window to around the room once more. My feet moved me back and forth in a pacing motion; thank goodness my luggage had wheels.

“Emily?” My name.

My eyes darted around the room and I found a short woman, just barely taller than me. She had long red hair and deep brown eyes. I walked to her, somehow out of instinct.

“That’s me.”

And let the journey begin…

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