"Grossed out?"

"Yeah. Homophobes."

He swallowed and nodded. "I know. It can be hard. I can't tell you how many times I've..." He shook his head and squeezed my hand. "I understand."

I nodded and leaned towards him. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head. "It'll be okay. I promise."

I nodded again and buried my face in his neck. It was nice to just stand there and let him rub my back. He still smelled like a God damned cinnamon roll, and he was super warm and just... yeah.

A few moments later, he started to pull back. I let him even though I just wanted to reach out and hold him again. He smiled encouragingly. "Let me get changed, and we can go swim, okay?"

"Okay," I said.

"Hey, look at me."

I did.

"Maybe you could, um..." He blushed. "Maybe I could stay here? O-or you could stay with me? I-I-I mean i-if you'd like that. You don't h-have to--"

I cut him off with a peck on the lips. "I'd love it. I'll ask if you can stay."

He blushed more. "O-okay."

I kissed his forehead and grabbed my other pair of trunks. "Just meet me downstairs. Take your time."

He smiled a little. "Okay. Th-thanks again."

I smiled back and went downstairs. Mom was still in the doorway speaking with Dad. They both stopped talking when they saw me. Mom smiled a bit too much at me. I was immediately suspicious. "What?" I said warily.

"Nothing, nothing," she said immediately. She waved her hand in front of her like it wasn't a big deal. Her smile now seemed more stressed.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at Dad. He was putting dishes away and wouldn't look at me despite the obvious looks I was shooting him. Were they fighting? Did I do something wrong? I felt strangely hurt at that thought. I thought we'd had some meaningful heart-to-heart this morning. How could I fuck it up between then and now?

I shook my head mentally. I was probably just overthinking things.

I looked back to Mom. She let out a strained laugh. "Are you boys coming?" Her eyes darted outside for a moment to where Eren and Mikasa were keeping Connie busy. "I think Connie might run away if we make him wait too much longer."

"Mm hm," Marco said from behind me. The trunks, though too big on me, fit perfectly on him. He was smiling, per usual. It was a damn good thing he still had his tee shirt on. I might've jumped him right then and there if he hadn't, and if he noticed the awkward tension in the room, he didn't show it.

I jumped ten feet in the air. "Jesus! Give me a warning next time, would you?"

"I-I'm not Jesus, but thank you. I'm flattered." He smiled shyly and blushed a little as if he thought I was gonna call him stupid for making such a corny joke.

I rolled my eyes with what I hoped was affection. "Wow," I chuckled. His ears turned red. I smacked his shoulder playfully. "Go on. Outside."

He followed Mom out the door, and I followed after them. I could feel Dad giving me another one of those looks as I went out the door, but when I turned my head to look at him, he was pointedly ignoring me. I sighed and rolled my eyes, shaking my head. Whatever. I wasn't sure what I did, but I wasn't going to worry about it right now.

"God, fricking finally," Eren grumbled when he saw us. Mikasa shot him a look, and he crossed his arms, grumbling some more.

"Yay! We can go swim!"

Mom nodded at Connie. "Yes. Now get going."

He grabbed Marco's hand and pulled him. Marco looked back at me with a look that obviously said, Oh my God. What do I do? I smiled encouragingly and nodded. He gulped and let Connie drag him. Eren and Mikasa started racing.

"Don't get in the lake until I get there!" Mom yelled after them. They waved over their shoulders. Mom sighed and shook her head, following after the four of them.

I sidled up next to Mom. "So, excuse my prying, but what was up between you and Dad just now?"

She shook her head again and smiled a little bit at me, though it was weary. "Nothing you need to worry about."

I chewed on the inside of my cheek, and we walked in silence for another couple of moments. "C-cause I mean if it was something I did, I'm sorry."

She let her smile falter for a moment. "I know. It's okay."

Her comment made an uneasy feeling settle in the pit of my stomach. "So it was something I did." I may not have had the best relationship with my family, but I was kind of a mama's boy, and I didn't like the thought of upsetting her. I know I'd done it a ton of times, but I was trying to start over and be... better. Emphasis on trying.

"Oh, no no no, honey. You didn't mean to." Another sigh. "Your father just..."

I looked at her. "Just... what?"

She shook her head for a third time. "He just reads too much into things sometimes is all."

"Oh." More silence. "Well, um... I'm sorry. For whatever I said to upset you." I looked down. For some reason a small bubble of guilt and hurt was floating around in my belly. What did I say?

She stopped for a moment and spinned me to face her, pulling me into a hug. "I know you are." She started patting and rubbing my back as I reached around and hugged her back tight. "I know you are. It's okay, honey."

I nodded, feeling tears prick again. What the fuck was with all the crying today? Honestly.

She pulled back, and smiled at me again. This time it was more natural and genuine. We started walking, and I swear I saw Marco quickly turn back around, a big grin on his face.

* * *

"I'm pegging you as a chick flick kinda guy," I said once we were out past the dock, alone.

"What? Why?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Mostly because I noticed you eavesdropping on my conversation with my mom."

He blushed. "I-I wasn't--"

"Uh huh. Sure." I splashed him with water, and he giggled. He splashed back, and soon we were both going at it, trying to dunk each other and just having a good time.

It was perfect.

* * *

Yay! Another update already! Woo hoo! Shout out to the lady--or ladies--in Northern Europe. Got to look at my demographics for the first time. All my readers are ladies, ha ha. Go figure.


Healing Takes TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora