Summer Doesn't Last Forever

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Summer Doesn't Last Forever~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Mom, do we have to go and stay with Aunt Rose?" I ask while trudging through the living room and collapsing onto the couch.

"Yes, did you get your bags in the car?" she ask while packing last minute things.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I say while blowing my natural bleach blond hair out of my eyes. It is naturally wavy, and it is annoying.

"Stop acting like this!" she complains while pulling the clothes out of the dryer. Her blue eyes scan the room, they are identical to mine.

I keep quite and sit on the couch in silence. Summer has just started, my last summer of being a junior. Next year I will finally be a senior, but for now, I have to go and stay with my Aunt who lives in L.A. while my mom and I get back on our feet after she got fired from her job. She was only 14 when she had me, and my dad left when I was still in my mom's stomach. I mean who could blame him? He was 17 and my mom was 14. She was a freshman in high school, and he was a senior. It was totally frowned upon. He dropped out of school and left. No one, not even his parents, ever heard from him again. At least that's what I heard.

I don't want to leave all of my friends in New York just so I can help my poor mommy get back on her feet, but then again, she is my source of money and life. I don't want to leave my friends and my boyfriend for summer, but he worked out a long distance relationship thing. Thanks to web-cams, we should be seeing each other every day over FaceTime until I get back for next school year.

"My sister will be very happy to see you!" she cheers, sounding like a girly teenager going to a sleepover.

"I have to leave all of my friends, and James!" I pout unhappily as I pick at my nails. Nasty habit.

"You can text and call them daily!" she says, "And James is a good kid! If he loves you, he will wait for you. This is a new start for us, Kristen!" she chimes, "We will see if we like L.A.... and if we do, maybe we will move there!" she says while packing a last bag.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" I scramble, "There is no way we are moving there for real!" I whine.

"Stop your complaining!" she says to me from the bathroom, toothbrush in mouth.

I roll my eyes and walk out to the car, but I don't forget to shout out, "Hurry your butt up!" before slamming the door.

I walk out to the car and go to open the door when suddenly I feel hands wrap around my waist, "Kristen," I hear James whisper, sending chills down my spine.

"You came," I smile at him.

"How could I not come and say goodbye to my girl?" he chuckles while spinning me around to face him.

I plant a soft kiss on his lips, before he pushes into me and starts trying to forcefully stick his tongue down my throat. His hand that was formally on my back slides down to my butt.

"To fast," I says through breaths. I put my hand on his chest to keep space between us

"I am sorry," he says while putting his forehead to mine, "You are just to damn beautiful," he smiles while kissing me again. He smelt of marijuana and alcohol, like always. It was a light stench, but I could handle it. I've never tried pot, and I am not planning on it, but I love James. My mom is around guys who smoke and drink every day, considering she is a stripper on some nights and a hooker on others. I guess I just get sick of the stench, and I don't want to have myself smelling like that. I'm my only escape.

"What about me?" I hear a familiar voice question.

"Lizzie!" I smile as I spin around to hug my best friend. "You came!" I happily say as I squeeze her tight. Lizzie has dark brown eyes and dirty blond hair. And the dirty in her hair color fits her perfectly (if you know what I mean). Her skunk bag boyfriend always beats her if she doesn't have sex with him, he is a certified a-hole. She won't leave him because she says that she loves him too much and she is afraid of what both of them would do without each other.

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