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If you understand that this is a fictional, completely made up story from my head, then you don't need to read this.

This book is 100% fiction and all of the characters are made up from my imagination. I've never met Chance the Rapper (yet ;)) so his character is totally created from my mind as well as all the other characters. Many characters (NOT ALL) are based off real people that Chance is associated with, but I don't know them well, so I developed their personalities to go with the book. Also, if you know about Chance as much as I do, you'll probably realize further in the story that some of these events are similar to events that has actually happened in his real life, but I tweaked them to fit the flow of the story, so don't come at me like "he didn't create Good Ass Intro himself, it was produced by Peter Cottontale" or something like "he made this song with Nate Fox and Peter Cottontale, not Justin"

I know these things.

I did my research and I'm still doing research, but the story isn't gonna be as accurate as his real life, hence the genre being fiction.

Thanks lol.

Also, enjoy the beautiful song in the mm by Raury, titled Trap Tears. His album is great and I encourage everyone to listen to it. :))))

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