SasuNaru . The Kids in the Dark

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Important A/N at the end please read.

Chapter 2: SasuNaru

The Kids in the Dark)
The Kids in the Dark
(The Kids in the Dark )
Here we are at the end of the road- road that's quietly caving in, come too far to pretend now we don't - we don't miss where we started. Looking back, I see a Setting Sun,and watching my shadow fade into the floor. I'm standing on the edge. Wondering how we got so far. (How we got so far)

Naruto and Sasuke has come to far to pretend that they don't miss the days where they could just be a kid. The time before every thing changed for the worst. Looking back to the days where they were just to kids, friends and rivals. They could see a setting sun and their shadows fading into the floor. As they stand on the edge, wondering how they got so far. How they where able to survive for a long as they have, through all the hate, pain, and injustice. They have had to go through at the hands of friends and family.

They left us alone. The kids in the dark, to burn out forever or light up a spark. We come together, State of the Art, We will never surrender,The kids in the dark. So let the world sing, "What a shame! What a shame! Beautiful scars on critical veins!" We come together, State of the Art. We will never surrender, The Kids in the Dark, The Kids in the Dark,(The Kids in the Dark).

They have been left alone. Known as The Kids in the Dark, to burn out forever until they're need or light up a spark. They come together as one and they will never surrender. They will fight until they die as The Kids in the Dark. So let the world sing "What a shame, What a shame! Beautiful scars on critical veins" as the people see the scars that will always be there on there wrist. As they come together and never surrender.

Here we are at the top of the hill - a hill that's quickly crumbling. Been a while since you dressed for the kill, the kill that sent me tumbling. Look up, I see a shooting star, and watch the fire fade into the floor. I'm standing on the edge. Wondering, why we fell so hard, why we fell so hard.

Here on top of the hill, a hill that's quietly crumbling, they stand united. It has been a while since they dressed for the kill. The kill that sent them both tumbling. As they look up, Naruto sees a shooting star and watches as the flames burning to the ground. And wonders why did they fall so hard. Why did they have to come crashing down the earth only to find pain and sorrow.

They left us alone, The Kids in the Dark, to burn out forever Or light up a spark. We come together, State of The Art. We will never surrender, The Kids in the Dark. So let the world sing, "What a shame! What a shame! Beautiful scars on critical veins!" We come together, State of the Art. We will never surrender, Thloope Kids in the Dark...

Naruto and Sasuke were left alone to burn out forever or light up a spark. They will come together, State of the Art and they will never surrender. They are stronger together then a part. They understand each other better then anybody else. They love each other with there whole being. And They will always protect each other with their lives.

Naruto and Sasuke will forever be Known as "The Kids in The Dark" and "The Lovers of the Night" So let the World sing, "What a shame! What a shame! Beautiful scar on critical veins. Those will there forever to remind them of the Past and What they have been fighting for, for so long. Love, Hope, Acceptance, Revenge, Justice and Peace.

Whoa, Whoa (The kids in the Dark, The Kids in The Dark ) Whoa, Whoa..........

They left us alone, the Kids in The Dark, to burn out forever or light up a spark. We come together, State of the Art, We will never surrender. The Kids in the Dark. So let the world sing, "What a Shame! What a Shame! Beautiful scars on critical veins!"

Just because someone says that you are worthless, unworthy and more doesn't mean it's true. They say that because they want you to feel bad about yourself so that they can feel better. Everyone has there demons. If you ignore them then they will consume you but if you fight with all of your might you shall succeed. You are not alone in this cruel world. People have said many bad things about Naruto and Sasuke. And they demons have tried but failed in trying to control them. Can you do the same?

We come together, State of the Art. We will never surrender, The Kids in the Dark, The Kids in the Dark.....( The Kids in the Dark, The Kids in the Dark) We will never surrender the Kids in the Dark, The Kids in the Dark...

A/N: Hello there ladies and gentlemen. I hope that you liked Chapter 2 of Songfics of Love and tragedy!! The kids in the dark is my fave song by All Time Low!! And sasunaru is my OTP Naruto paring. So thats how this was created. Please leave a comment. Cuz my updates for Stories like this depends on the comments i get. Other then that thank you for reading!!

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