Do it like a dude.

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A/N sorry it's all deep. 😁
"Hey? Red!" I hear my friend Jack call. He's also my enemy. "What do you want frost?" I say annoyed. "There's a singing competition going at school tonight. Maybe, you could come and sing Mary had a little lamb!" He and his friends laugh. "Alright, enough." I hear my best friend Hiccup say.
"Oh, come in Hic! We're only playing around." Jack shoves him a little. Hiccup rolls his eyes. "See you tonight!" Jack says to me as he and his friends walk away. "He's an idiot." I snort. Hiccup chuckled. "That was kinda funny though." I turn to him. "What?" He looks at me funny.
"What Jack said about you singing." Hiccup laughed. I looked at him with hurt and anger. "So, you don't think I can do it?! Just because I'm a girl?" I cross my arms. "No! That's not what I meant!" I turn around and walk away. "Mer! Come back!" I hear him say but don't respond.
Merida's house
I flopped on my bed. "Ugh! I hate Hiccup!" My best friend Rapunzel looks at me. "What did he do this time?" She asks. "He thinks I can't do a singing competition. Just because I'm a girl!" I roll my eyes. "That's kinda... Wrong." She says to me.
"I know, I plan on doing something about it." I think for a while. Rapunzel jumps up. "Well, if he thinks we can't do it! We have to show him! We can do it like them!" She puts her hands on her hips. "That's brilliant!" I hug her. Then we think of a plan.
At competition
"You ready Punzie? We're up next." I say to her. She nods and looks confident. I breathe in and out. This will show them what I'm made of. "Next up, we have Merida and Rapunzel!" We go on stage and we hear claps.
Start song now!
M:Stomp, Stomp I've arrived
Drop the beat, nasty face
Why ya looking at me?
R: Flying, Flying, Flying, Flying
Through the sky.
In my spaceship
I'm an alien tonight!
M&R: Dirty, Dirty, Dirty
Dirty, Dirty, Dirty sucka!
You think I can't get hurt like
You, you motherf#cker!
M:I can do it like a brother!
Do it like a dude!
Grab my crotch
Wear my hat low like you!
R: Do it like a brother!
Do it like a dude!
Grab my crotch!
Wear my hat low like you!
M&R: We can do it like the
Man'dem, Man'dem
We can do it like the Man'dem
Sugar, Sugar, Sugar(X2)
M: Boom, Boom throw me a beer
No pretty drinks I'm not gay out here!
R: Rollin', Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'
Money like a pimp
My B-I-T-C-H's
On my d$ck like this!
M: Dirty, Dirty, Dirty,
Dirty, Dirty, Dirty sucka
You think I can't get hurt like
You, you motherf#cker!
R: I can do it like a brother!
Do it like a dude
Grab my crotch,
Wear my hat low like you!
M: Do it like a brother!
Do it like a dude,
Grab my crotch,
Wear my hat low like you!
M&R: We can do it like the
Man'dem, Man'dem
We can do it like the Man'dem
Sugar, sugar sugar!(X2)
Boys, come say what you wanna
Boys, you need to lick my dollar
Boys, gettin' hot under the collar
Holla, Holla, Woah!(X2)
M: I can do it like a brother
Do it like a dude
Grab my crotch,
Wear my hat low like you!
R: Do it like a brother
Do it like a dude
Grab my crotch
Wear my hat low like you!
M&R: We can do it like a brother
Do it like a dude!
Grab my crotch,
Wear my hat low like you!
Do it like a brother
Do it like a dude!
Grab my crotch
Wear my hat low like you!
We can do it like the
Man'dem, Man'dem
We can do it like the Man'dem
Sugar, sugar sugar!(X2)
M: Do it, do it like a dude
R: Do it, do it low like you
M: Do it, do it like a dude
M&R: Do it, do it, do it like a dude.
When we're done the crowd goes wild!
I see Hiccup and Jack in shock. Never underestimate us girls!💁
A/N So?! What did you think? Good or nah? Let me know what else you guys want! You could ask me anything I won't mind!❤️ Bye!

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