"Hello there, Miss Chambers! How was the lovely romantic holiday with Mr Styles?" She asks, making her as low and sultry as she can. I laugh.

"It was very nice, thank you Vanessa. Thank you for looking after Marcel for us." I move from the entryway and into the living room. Marcel trots beside me and hops up onto the sofa, his usual spot. Everything is just as we left it. I fall onto the sofa and switch the TV on.

"Oh no problem," she tells me. "I'm always up for looking after him, he's such a little sweetheart."

Looking down at the dog with a smile, I stroke his head which he moves to place onto my lap. "Yeah he is," I agree. "How have your last few weeks been?"

"They're been good, thanks." Nessa tells me, hesitation in her tone. "Anything happen that I should know about?"

I frown. "I don't think so," I say slowly, suddenly confused. "Wait, what do you mean by that?"

"Oh nothing," she replies quickly, clearly trying to cover her tracks.

"You're hiding something from me," I observe, sitting up. "Come on, spit it out."

"I'm not, don't worry, I was just being nosy."

"Okay," I say but it comes out more like a question than a statement.

There's silence from the other. "Anyway I better go, Tom and I are supposed to be meeting with my parents tonight for dinner."

"Ness, it's noon."

"I know but I have to make sure Tom knows what not to say," she tells me. "Don't want him saying the wrong thing now, do I?"

Chuckling, I agree with her. "Definitely not."

Ness and Tom became a couple a little while after Harry and I moved in together. They had been flirty back and forth, sending flirty text messages and flirting in the work place, and Tom finally got up enough courage to ask her on a date. With a little encouragement from me, of course, otherwise I don't think he would have ever grown the balls to ask her. I knew that Ness had liked him for a while but I wasn't sure that she liked him as much as she did. I like seeing them together. It makes me happy.

"I'll talk to you later then," she calls and the line goes dead suddenly.

Hmm, that was weird. Why would there be anything that I need to tell her?

"Well that was weird, huh?" I say out loud, addressing the dog as I continue to stroke him.

Contemplating and thinking about what she could have been talking about for a few moments more, I shrug to myself and decide that it can't be that important. I'm way too tired to even think about it properly at the moment.

Not long after that I find myself drifting to sleep only to be woken up a couple hours later by Harry arriving home, Marcel going crazy at the sight of him clumsily cluttering through the front door with several bags of shopping in each of his ridiculously large hands.

"Honey, I'm home!" He sings at the top of his voice sending Marcel into even more of a tizzy. "Hello you!" He says in a silly voice as he looks down at Marcel who is practically beaming at Harry's appearance.

"How was rehearsal?" I ask as I rub my tired eyes of sleep. Harry places all the bags onto the living room table and sits next to me on the sofa. Marcel demands lots of attention from Harry but he reaches over and kisses me before turning back to the dog.

"Amazing," he says. "It's already beginning to come together. It's gonna be the best one yet, I can feel it."

Looking at him I can't help but smile. He's so happy. "That's so good, I can't wait." I watch him play with Marcel for a few moments more before asking, "how come you decided to go shopping? I thought we said I was gonna pop into town tomorrow."

Harry shrugs. "I had a few errands to run, some things I had to pick up, I just thought I might as well while I'm there. Saves you a job tomorrow too."

"What sort of errands?" I ask out of pure nosiness. He hadn't mentioned anything about errands earlier.

Harry pauses and I feel a little suspicion rise in my chest but I refuse to acknowledge it. He quickly gets to his feet and begins to gather up the shopping bags again. "Just a few things for the tour, visit Lou for styling and stuff like that."

"Oh okay," I say, that's fair enough. Harry moves out of the living room and into the kitchen, Marcel yapping at his fee constantly. I swear those two are inseparable. Ever since they laid eyes on each other it was love at first sight. I always knew Harry was usually a cat lover, I mean his first word was 'cat', but Marcel beats every other animal anywhere at the moment.

I follow the boys into the kitchen too. Harry's still wearing his coat so I move behind him and begin to slip it off his shoulders. But he jumps away from me and spins around to face me, an awkward smile on his abnormally gorgeous face.

"What are you doing?" He breathes as he tries to act like what just happened was normal.

Frowning at him, I cross my arms across my chest and try to think of something of say. "More like what are you doing? I was only gonna put your coat on the rack for you, Styles."

He breathes out again and I have a feeling that he's only doing that to give him more time to think of what to say. "Oh, that's okay, thanks. I've got it." He crosses the room, stopping to kiss my forehead before disappearing out into the hallway.

"Well that was weird, huh?" I say to Marcel who just gives me his usual dopey, happy face as he looks at me. I pat his head and Harry reappears.

Harry just whistles and continues to unpack the shopping. I slowly start to help him watching him every now and then. He's acting funny. Why is he acting funny?

"I was thinking we should go out for dinner tonight?" He says suddenly. "Maybe try that little Italian place down the road. You know, the one we've always wanted to go to but have never got round to it?"

A smile creeps up on my face and what happened just moments ago no longer mattered. "That would be lovely! I've always wanted to go there."

"Perfect, it's a date." He grins.

There you go! Chapter one, I'm super excited for this and I'm finally getting the ideas down on Wattpad which is so exciting!!!!



Love you all :) xx

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