Hi Son

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"Hi son it's me again. I know you must be so busy with your new job and fiancée, but I just wanted to tell you that I miss you and really hope that we can get together soon. Call me back whenever you can. I love you." The answering machine clicked off.

I was never much of a family person since the divorce. My parents split when I was 11 and ever since then I've slowly pushed my dad out of my life. I honestly can't remember the last time I talked to him. I know he made an effort to stay in my life, but my young grief-filled self denied that. A year after I got that voicemail, my mom called me. She told me that my dad had a stroke and passed away that morning.

At first, I felt nothing. Then a while later it came to me. My dad called to spend time with his son, even a day, and I shut him out. Now I understand that the man who raised me, who tucked me in at night, who helped me with my homework, who loved me... Is gone.

Why didn't I pick up the damn phone?

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