Sadism meets its match

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I stare into the black depths... His voice ringing in my ears... The sound of fabric whipping my skin echoes from the walls... He laughs as I moan... My hands remain tightly tied by the chains as my legs stretch themselves along the bed in lust. The only sense of freedom I have. Begging, I lay on the soft mattress, such irony to the pain I feel, I can feel his gleaming eyes piercing through my skin as he pauses. In the hope that I could catch my breath, I realised that I had only played into his cruel hands. The whips had left marks, marks which burned .... the open-air hits me so freely... what I depend on has now become my abuser. I feel the mix of saliva and warmblood fall as I struggle to speak. I hear footsteps and the shuffle of clothing in the air. I raised my head as the shuffling of clothing came to a stop. I closed my eyes as long warm bony fingers that had been causing me so much pain carefully takes off the piece that had been keeping secrets away from me. As it fell I looked straight into his hazel eyes that had a glimmer of gold... With that familiar smirk on his face, he pulled my head back I felt... sooooo goooood, I gasp saying "more more MMMORE DONT STOP". Laughter erupted from his mouth as he stated with glee, "We have our whole life for this (name)😏 ".

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