Part 6

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No more shenanigans. No more shenanigans. No more shenanigans.

I repeated those words to myself as I made my way to Headquarters. After being busted yesterday, I vowed to never ever hack when Arima-san was in the same building. The lunch was, well, mortifying for me, even though Arima-san didn't bring up the topic again. I had gone home and compared the reports I was given to the reports I had hacked into. They were the same, but I still felt that something was missing. Or maybe it was just my assumption, considering First Class and Special Agent were still two different things. And of course, Special Agent was way higher. 

I met Fura-san on the way, "[Name]-chan, Arima-san will not be coming today. He's got other things to attend to, he asked me to convey his message to you." I nodded, "Arigatou, Fura-san." I said, with an expressionless face. But inside I was seething. Did he not know the meaning of partner! He's leaving me out of the loop! How was I supposed to 'investigate' when he's got all the information! 

As I was mentally fuming, Fura-san turned to say, "For some reason, he also asked me to tell you that it isn't related to this investigation and that he's not keeping you out of the loop." I began laughing nervously, the best I could manage at the moment, "W-why would he say that?" I asked, laughing continuously and awkwardly. Fura-san laughed, shaking his head and muttering, "Can't act convincingly even if her life depended on it." 

"I heard that!" I called back to him as I entered my cubicle. 

Sitting at my sit, I thought about what to do. If this was my investigation, I would probably be out undercover, or getting beaten up by ghouls, occasionally beating them too. I hadn't gone on that many missions or solved that many investigations yet. But the ones that I had worked on, turned out pretty well toward the end. It was my observation that I always screw up the beginning, Fura-san would say that it was because I had so little respect for my life, and honestly, I kind of agreed. 

Sighing, I began going through the reports again, looking for anything I missed. I tried correlating these new reports with my old investigations, but nada. So I went to Fura-san, picking up reports that may have any relation. I found an old unused white board and I began sticking pictures. After I was done, I began playing my version of connect-the-dots. Basically trying to find relations between the crimes, ghouls, and victims. 

I cricked my head, tired of all the intent staring. 

*ring* *ring*

I smiled when I heard my phone ring, it gave me an excuse to be away from my board. Technically, I could take a break whenever I wanted, but if I did and I didn't get anything done, I knew I would begin cursing myself for taking the break. Now if I got a call, then I could just blame it on the call and conclude that it was the phone's fault. 

I picked the call, grinning when I heard my brother over the line. "Oneechan! How are you?" I laughed at his excited tone, "I'm good. What about you? How's school?" I could totally imagine him scrunching up his nose, he hated school. He completely ignored that question, "I'm good too. You know, I've decided what I want to become." "Oh yeah?" "Yep. I wanna be a rock star." "Yeah? Where did this come from?" I asked, smiling. "Toru Kitajima!" He yelled over the phone. "Um..." "The lead vocalist of Ling Tosite Sigure! He's the awesome-est!" "You do realize that 'awesome-est' isn't a word..." "Who cares! TK is the best-est!" I rolled my eyes, "Uh huh." "Can you imagine me on the stage singing an awesome song?" "Oh yeah, totally." "Oneechan! I'm serious!" I laughed, "I know, but I've never seen you sing!" He pretended not to hear that, "I've started going to guitar classes!" He said happily. I smiled, listening to the kid as he went on and on about his week, TK, the weather, TK, and TK. 

It's surprising how everyone can find solace in something or the other, even when we've suffered heavy losses. How we can smile and face the day, knowing that things as dangerous as ghouls roam the world. How we can still find beauty in life. How we can live life, however short it is, to the fullest. 

On the other hand, it was also surprising how people can throw their lives away so easily when they've still got a long way to go. I knew very well that there was a possibility, a huge one, of death, in the profession I had chosen. That was the reason I had chosen it. But there had been times where I had almost died, times when the enemy's weapon was right in my face, but I fought back. I didn't know why, but I wanted to live. To experience. To dream. 

My moral epiphany continued way beyond an hour, after my brother, squealing about TK, kept the phone. As I reached the conclusion that I definitely wanted to live, I realized that it was already 7 p.m. And I hadn't done anything worthwhile. 

I closed my eyes, pressing my fingers to my head, and began cursing myself. 

Why, oh why, did I have to waste so much time!? My brother called, but even after that I wasted so much time! I'm such an idiot! Ugh! I should hit myself! I'm so dead!

And so on. 

As I was hitting my head, scrunching my nose and shaking my head like a bothered elephant, Arima-san entered the room. Stopping right in front of me, he waited. It took some time for me to notice, but when I did, I sprung up. "Arima-san, I...." He wasn't looking at me, instead, he was looking at my board. "Been busy, I see. Well done." I acted naturally, if, of course, laughing awkwardly could as natural. But then again, in my case, it totally did. "Y-Yes. Busy." I choked out. 

He gave a curt nod, "You can fill me in on the way." Without waiting for an answer, he strode out, with me following him like a K9. A dignified First Class Investigator. "We need to be quick, we have a few ghouls to deal with." 

Little did I know that Arima Kishou's definition of 'few' was way different from mine.  

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