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"She's completely over exaggerating."  

"Oh, I certainly don't think she is," said a voice that immediately sent shivers down my spine. Sebastian made his way around the island and leaned against the counter next to me. "In fact, I'd say that she doesn't give Stephanie a run for her money at all because there's no competition." He looked right at me the whole time, and I at him. I could feel my face heating up as I stared right back into his deep green eyes. I couldn't look away even if I wanted to, they held me as their prisoner and the rest of the world disappeared, as cliche as that sounded.

"Hi, er, Sebastian." His eyes flicked to the woman in amusement, releasing me from their hold. I looked away quickly and took in a deep, ragged breath. The corner of his mouth twitched upwards at the sound of it.

"Hello, Mrs. O'Connor." He nodded to the others. "Ladies." His smile had the older women blushing and my jaw clenched. I started back a bit when I realized that I... was jealous. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and looked at Faeth in time to see her looking back and forth between Sebastian and I. My blush deepened as I turned away.

"I need some fresh air, " I whispered to her as I hopped off the counter and exited the kitchen. Parker looked up at me worriedly as I passed him in the living room. He caught my arm as I walked. 

"Hey, where're you going?" I smiled as his eyes flicked back towards the TV screen.

"I just needed some fresh air, that's all." He looked at me, torn.

"You want me to come?" I shook my head, grabbing his hand and pulling it off my arm, squeezing it before I let go.

"I'll be fine, Parker. Enjoy your game." He scowled at me playfully as I patted his head. I skipped off and out the front door, sitting on the porch swing. It was a beautiful night, the stars were shining brighter than I'd ever seen them. The breeze floated by, blowing tendrils of my hair across my face softly. I crossed my legs and closed my eyes, pushing the swing backwards by pushing my foot against the porch. 

The forest was completely quiet and the whole thing was extremely peaceful. Until Sebastian ruined it, of course.

"You look gorgeous tonight, Katalyna." I squinted one of my eyes open to look at him before closing it again. 

"Thank you, Sebastian." I smirked as I heard him chuckle. 

"Do you mind?" I opened my eyes and saw him pointing at the empty side of the swing. I shook my head and scooted over a bit more.

"No, have at it." He grinned and sat down, letting out a loud sigh. I continued to push off the floor with my foot as we sat there silently. It was a comfortable silence. We both stared up at the stars. "They're beautiful tonight, huh?" He smirked.

"Not as beautiful as y-" I held my hand up and laughed lightly.

"Don't even go there." He smiled at me, a genuine smile, not his usual smirk or smug grin. I turned back to the stars before I could faint. "I've never seen them shine like this. Are they always like this?" I whispered and he nodded. 

"Yeah... That's one of the plus sides of living in a small town." I nodded.

"I can see that." And I could. Everything was just so beautiful. Nature seemed to be enhanced here. It demanded your attention and held it totally and fully. The trees were all the deepest, richest shade of green you could ever see. The flowers were so made of colours so vibrant they could make you want to cry at the beauty of them. The animals ran around freely, deers chewing on the dew covered grass in the morning, birds chirping on trees right outside your window. 

They weren't afraid of people here either. I'd seen more than one child petting deer and foxes while their parents just stood by and smiled. It was surreal. I turned to Sebastian and saw him watching me with a look that I couldn't decipher. If I had to guess what it was based on other faces I'd seen that expression on, I'd have to saw it was wonder or awe, but that was absurd. 

"I love it here," I stated. "The people haven't been the most accepting or anything. But it's just so beautiful that it... well the good outweighs the bad at this point." He stared at me. 

"This point? As in... this exact moment in time?" I felt his fingers brush against my own and looked down to see his finger twitching towards mine. My cheeks pinked and I bit my lip, pulling my hand towards my torso nervously. 

"Maybe," I looked up at him reassuringly, trying to ease the pained look on his handsome face. His eyes narrowed and I jerked back in shock. 

"That guy inside. The new guy. Is he your boyfriend?"

"What?" I asked, confused. What was he talking about "boyfriend?"

"The guy who you were talking to in the living room. Is. he. Your. Boyfriend?!" I jumped up and frowned at the malice in his tone as he spoke about Parker. 

"I don't see how that's any of your business," I replied stubbornly.

he stood up, towering over me. "Of course it's my business! Now answer me!" I scoffed, shook my head and tried to walk off. His hand gripped my arm painfully and I noticed his shaking form. Eyes widening in fear and pain, I tried to jerk my arm away from him, which only made him hold me tighter. "Answer me, now, Katalyna." His voice was low and dangerous. Something told me to answer him, but I'd always been a stubborn girl. 

I set my jaw and narrowed my eyes. I leaned in close. "It's not your concern, Sebastian, so let go of my arm right this instant. You're making a scene." A growl erupted from his chest and I frantically ripped my arm from his grip and backed off the porch, almost tripping on the stairs. His whole body was shaking. 

"Katalyna!!!" Parker voice filled my ears and I saw him running through the door.

"Parker!!" I called, my voice dripping with fear. Parker evaded Sebastian's hand as he ran passed him. He jumped in front of my and let out a loud growl, making me jump. I grabbed onto his arm tightly as Sebastian glared at him. His eyes zeroed in on my hand on Parker's arm and he snarled. Parker began to back away as everyone started flooding outside. Drew was standing in front of them, trying to talk to Sebastian and calm him down. 

"Parker..." I whispered. His body was starting to shake as well, his breathing getting heavier. 

"Just stay behind me KitKat, please." I whimpered and nodded, burying my head in between his shoulder blades. 

"Get away from her!" Sebastian's voice roared loudly. I looked up in time to see the most horrific thing I'd ever seen in my entire life. Sebastian's body began to bend and twist, his bones cracking audibly as his body... shifted, changed. Bile rose in my throat. The process couldn't taken more than a second, but I saw it as if it was in slow motion. Parker's hand pushed me away roughly. 

"Parker! No!!" I started to reach forward when his and Sebastian's clothes shredded into bits around them. Only, where they had been stood two giant wolves. Parker was no longer Parker. He was now a dark, chocolate brown wolf that was at least 6 feet tall. He growled menacingly at the wolf who had taken Sebastian's place. The worst part about this wolf was not that it was a wolf.

It was that I recognized it. That dusty blond hair that and those familiar green eyes that were currently filled with hate and anger. I started to hyperventilate and my vision started spotting black. The wolves both turned to look at me as someone called out worriedly.

 "Katalyna!" Then the world was black.

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