Chapter 1

244 13 105

She's back...

Boy's POV.

She was standing on top of a rock with her face towards the sea. Her arms were wide open and her eyes shut closed. Her hair now longer and darker moved in harmony with the breeze.

How many years have passed by since I last saw her? Since I last felt this way? Since that last day. Not many I guess, but enough for me to have changed. For me to have opened my eyes walked down another path.

I wondered if she too had changed. She did not look much different to me. But then again, if there's one thing I have learnt during these last couple of years: Looks are deceiving. Hers had not deceived me but what reason had I to say that, now. Now that she was no longer my friend.

Were we ever friends in the first place?

I looked up again. I was sure it was her. Only she was capable of such freedom and carelessness. With not a worry in the world, she lived her life, peacefully and joyfully.

Gradually the wind came to a halt and the waves calmed down. For a moment, everything froze in time. I looked up at how peaceful she was and at once my heart, too, was at peace. I could have drowned in that moment if my damn alarm hadn't began to ring. I quickly turned it off and hoped she hadn't heard it.

No, she hadn't... but her eyes were now open. I gasped. For some reason my heart began to hurt. Her eyes were different now- dark... cloudy... hopeless and the twinkle wasn't there anymore. She looked tired and exhausted. I wondered if she was always like this. But then memories of her smiles and laughs clouded my thoughts and I couldn't bear to look at the sorrow in her eyes.

I decided to leave, since I was sure that I was resposible for part of the sorrow. But as I turned around, my foot slipped and a rock slid off from its place.

Please no.

I looked back and sure enough a pair of familiar chocolate brown eyes were staring down at me. They looked deep into me and suddenly the clouds lifted. I could see into them. The pain, the sorrow she had been through, was all visible. She was like an open book, yet so distant and mysterious.

I slowly stood up from behind the rock, not knowing what to do. She stared at me unbelievably, as if I was a ghost from her past. And I was, wasn't I?

Time had stopped again and this time, there was no knowing when it would move on again. For a moment, I didn't mind being there. I wanted to forget about everything and just laugh and play like old times but then, the winds began to blow again. They blew past us towards the sea as the night breeze took over. The sun had already set, leaving behind faint orange light. Its warmth could still be felt. It was calm and peaceful yet a haunting aura enveloped us. I could hear the sound of waves crashing into each other. But it felt faint and distant against the sound of my heartbeat, getting louder and louder by the second.

I couldn't blink. I wanted to look away but I was too afraid to make a move. Her expression changed again and it felt as if she wanted to say something.

Or maybe I'm just imagining it all.

I sighed and turned around. I didn't dare to look back at her, and ran towards the town. She was still furious with me, I knew she was. My presence would have just made things worst. And that was the last thing I'd want to do.

It was hard to sleep that night. My thoughts haunted me and cursed me for that day. The day it had all ended. Or did it all began? I could not tell.

What was I even thinking?

I groaned and got up. It was still dark outside but I needed fresh air. I slipped on my gown and got out onto the balcony. The air was cold and had a soft, saltish essence.

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