tris was running, giggling madly as he blond locks jumped up and down.

tobias who was trying to hide behind a bush spotted her on the other side of the playground and sighed.

"should have went to stwupid castle" he grumbled and grabbed at his toes while he waited patiently for his friend to chase him.

when Uriah finally saw the blue eyed boy he screamed and began running, as fast as his four (and a half!) year old feet could take him.

seeing as his older friend was faster than him Uriah decided to go for the weakest. poor little tris didn't know what was coming for her.

Uriah came to a sudden stop and turned around facing the tall pink and purple castle in front of him. he grabbed on the rope hanging and began climbing up.

tris gaped as he climbed up with ease and then slid down making Uriah groan because he just climbed up for nothing.

instead of whining he slid down and chased down the little girl who was screaming and pleading for someone to help her.

everything was going fairly fine until tris tripped and scraped her knee. her hands also got a few scratches and it really stung.

she turned and sat on her bum as she cried, blood dripping down her leg.

tobias's head immediately snapped as she heard the little girl's pained cries. his heart dropped.

he quickly jumped out of his hiding place and ran over to her, crouching down.

"pwincess? hey its otay, you otay. don't cwy" he pleaded as he frantically tried wiping her tears off hoping they would magically disappear.

"I hurted my leg" she cried. the others soon joined and looked down at the blond with worry.

"go clean?" he asked, pointing at the teacher on the far side of the classroom. she nodded and he held his hand out.

she gladly took it and he helped the limping tris, as she rubbed her eyes trying to stop her crying.

"ms. p" the blue eyed kid said as he tugged on their teacher's jean. she looked down and gasped as she saw tris crying and bleeding.

"oh honey what happened?"

"pwincess hurted leg, so help?" he asked tilting his head. she nodded and picked tris up, ruffling tobias's hair.

"good job honey, thank you for bringing her here" she praised and he smiled, still not letting go of tris's hand.

she held onto his' tighter as the teacher led them inside. the teacher washed the blood away, poured oxygenated alcohol (as tris cried and tobias frowned at ms. P) and then placed a pink band aid on the wound.

"why don't you stay inside for a few minutes, hun?" ms. p said and tris nodded, sighing sadly. she went to the corner and grabbed a Barbie, dressing her up.

tobias looked at the kids running outside and then at the little girl he had just met.

the choice was easy to make.

he walked towards tris and sat down, grabbing ken.


she smiled widely, the two missing teeth making her look so adorable and cute to tobias's eyes.

"yeah I pway wif you"


"Alright everyone, I will see you again tomorrow. be safe" the teacher said and dismissed them. their parents were standing outside waiting for their children to walk out.

"buh bwye" tris shrieked as she wrapped her arms around tobias placing a kiss dangerously close to his lips. he blushed but wrapped his arms around her small waist.

"buh bye wittle pwincess" he murmured in her ear before they both pulled apart and headed towards their parents.

tris had a huge grin on her lips all the way to her house and her parents noticed but didn't question her about it.

maybe she just had a good day at school. well, more than great.

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